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I was talking to my cousin on the phone yesterday, and I expressed some consternation at our upcoming choices this November. She said people not voting for Clinton in 2016 (who she really likes) got us Trump and we shouldn't make the same mistake. So I emailed her some articles about how Sleepy Joe isn't progressive enough, but seeing as she works for the government (her office is in D.C., though she's working from home right now) she's privy to information I don't quite understand, and she could give me her opinion, which I respect. She didn't give me permission to reproduce her email on this site (which she doesn't know exists) but I'm doing it anyway, which I think is fine, because none of you know who she is anyway:

I don’t have a moment to click on your links right now so I’m just going to give my logic. I think you should table really specific policy issues in favor of dealing with the national emergency that is Donald Trump being president and killing us all. This was my position during the last election and it continues to be my position. Voting third party effectively gives Trump a vote. Even in Illinois or Maryland I don’t see how that is a positive action.

To me it would make more sense to take up policy beefs with local officials as well as your congressman and senator. These are the people who vote for legislation. They vote for special interests because most people are not paying attention to actual legislation. Lobbyists are. Do you know your own senators’ voting record? Do you call their offices to give your view on legislation? Did you call the last time they voted on something related to pharmaceuticals? This applies to any political party. If there was a “socialist” political party we could criticize their votes on legislation but there isn’t. They just say what their positions are without compromising because they have never actually done anything or voted on anything.

The President is largely a manager of the federal government, which does more than present legislation. He runs FEMA, and Medicare, and Medicaid, the department of agriculture, and sets immigration policy, and does a million other things. Like I told you third party candidates are essentially standing on the sidelines with no proof of running a government and only want a shortcut to power- the presidency. If Jill Stein were a serious candidate, why hasn’t she run for other offices, why isn’t she a congressman or Senator? Why isn’t she building a real political party from the ground up? What is her role in her community? She doesn’t seem to have a role except as a spoiler, and that’s deeply troubling.

I know the vote blue no matter who crowd agreed without reading any of that, but for those of you in the NeverBiden camp, what do you think of her reasoning?

altschmerz 9 Apr 13
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Her second sentence is fear mongering tripe already. Trump is killing all of us?

A vote for a 3rd party is a vote for a 3rd party. Their reasoning is faulty. There are people voting 3rd party on both sides. Nobody owes anyone their vote. This is supposed to be a representative democracy. They should stop shaming people and espousing authoritarian language and ideals on people in the name of "doing the right thing".

She wants us to focus on policy beefs with local officials? Sure, we can do that, but then why have a presidential election at all if that's not what we should also focus on? The president doesn't have anything to do with special interests or signing bills or not? Why does she care about Trump being president and "killing us all" then? Besides, when was the last time senators gave a shit about what their constituents wanted? Most Americans are in favor of national policies like M4A, but do senators ever give us want we want? Have the people not made their voices heard enough? Did anyone listen to the people when they were holding million people marches in opposition to the Iraq War?

I don't get her logic on a "socialist" party. She's saying because they don't vote on anything that they can just give their opinions on issues without compromising? So she's saying they too would be corrupt if they had to actually vote on issues? What type of logic is that? Is that to say that anyone who is in government has no choice but to be corrupt? She's just employing that as a way of calling them "purists" and projecting. What a crock of shit!

Once again, she's projecting that people like Jill Stein and other 3rd parties just want power. They have no proof of running a government? Ok, she's going back to the reasoning she has on "socialists" and that if a 3rd party was in power that they would be corrupt too. What's the point then? She's giving good reason for her government job not existing and people overthrowing the shitty corrupt government that we have.

So in her last paragraph we see her reasoning for why not to have Trump as president. So then what's her reasoning for wanting Biden or any other Democrat for that matter? Biden and some others talk about cutting Medicare and Medicaid and have deported more immigrants than any other president in the history of the presidency in Obama. The Democrats voted for a border fence in 2006 too. Obama also caged and detained immigrants. What about all the wars Democrats have started?

Jill Stein wasn't serious? What rules say you have to be a congressperson to be serious and run for president? Were former presidents that were congress critters white knights that changed the system for the better? Stein isn't helping build a political party from the ground up? The Green Party isn't trying to do that? I mean they have to deal with the propaganda of the two main parties and their stranglehold on power in our political system along with a shortfall of funding, among other things. What's a "real political party"? A party that bends the knee to corporate will and "plays the game"? What's Jill's role in her community? Does she have to go and give empty promises and make empty speeches to neighborhoods in her community like the corrupt politicians? Anyone who isn't a Dem or Rep is a "spoiler" to these people. Of course they don't want any competition, it would upset their apple cart.

She said she was going to give "her logic" and I agree. It's solely her logic and not general logic. Her logic seems to defy the universe's laws of logic, and is hypocritical.


I'm not a blue no matter who type, agree that Biden is hot garbage with a loathsome record, but I believe that Trump is a fast track to a dystopian future. I generally don't buy into the argument that a vote for a third party is a vote for (insert candidate). I also don't generally agree that not voting is a vote for (insert candidate). That said, I understand how the electoral college works well enough to know that the only way to remove Trump before a second term is to vote for whoever the Democrats put forward. And while Biden isn't squeeky clean, he's not as bad as Trump. I'll hold my nose and vote against Trump. As much as I usually feel this to be a self defeating move, to vote for a lesser evil, in the case of Trump I believe it to be worth it.

Tampabrew Level 7 Apr 15, 2020

After each primary, the democrats nominate a centrists who puts his middle finger up to the progressive base in favor of courting conservatives and it shifts the party's ideology a bit right each cycle. Only Obama had the sense to run a progressive hope and change campaign and reveal his centrism later, after being elected. Over time, the democratic party is becoming a conservative party and that is why so many on the left are disillusioned and disgruntled and why we are constantly losing ground and ending up with presidents like Trump in the first place.

A Biden administration will be better than Trump but not by enough to justify compromising your principles and voting for a right wing sex offender. To do so will continue the cycle. The party understands that we have nowhere else to go so they feel they can ignore us. The only way to show them that our loyalty is not guaranteed and must be earned is to withhold our votes from them if they do something so irresponsible as to nominate Joe Biden. Biden is the worst choice and I don't believe he can win against Trump. I think the party chose to allow another Trump victory when they selected Biden. They prefer to lose with Biden than to win with a progressive reformer who might actually change things. Why support a lost cause that you aren't feeling good about anyway?

RoboGraham Level 8 Apr 13, 2020

Biden will not be better than Trump. It will be a continuation of more of the same on a movement towards fascism. That is always the ending condition of a failed capitalist system that benefits the ruling class. With at least 5 decades in which each establishment party has ruled this country, they have both played a part in collaboration towards the present course. Each president since at least Nixon has expanded this agenda when we moved into the globalization process. Since Carter interfered in Afghanistan and kicked off the middle east support of terrorist.


Biden would be slightly better than Trump. He would slow that movement toward fascism but will still be moving us in the wrong direction. Point is, never vote for either for them.

@RoboGraham not me. I'm voting for the SEP candidate.


Good choice


She makes some valid points concerning our two party system. Where I disagree is, in my opinion, the Democratic Party lost the 2016 election by making Clinton the candidate. Because of the two party system, there is not a reasonable candidate offered. I could choose to not vote, but instead I voted for a third party candidate. It didn't matter if I voted or not, because I'm not going to vote for someone just because I like the other person even less. I'm not going to vote for Biden. Is the status quo what we want to return to?

@altschmerz Local elections are completely different. I can personally meet candidates and vote a person. The presidency is nothing like that. I think we should do away with the electoral college, there should be fifty candidates running (multiple parties) and everyone should be required to vote.


I wouldn't like to shame anyone, but with flunking such a simple decision in front of you... maybe just young.

neutralite Level 5 Apr 13, 2020

Listen to your cousin. It’s either Biden or sayonara to America. Time for Big Girl Panties.

Redmon17 Level 5 Apr 13, 2020

I believe, and have actually Seen, as have you all, that third party gives us Crap.
Ralph Nader got us Bush instead of Gore, Bernie got us drump instead of Hillary (as much as I adore Bernie & always will!!!)
If you want 4 more years of OrangIidiot just keep bitching about whoever is running against him, and throwing away your vote with write-in, or staying home like a petulant infant. PERIOD.

AnneWimsey Level 9 Apr 13, 2020

@altschmerz huh...have you met me?

@dan325 first, ya gotta get their attention........

@dan325 fully capable, aaanndd a cellar full of pieces of wood!

I mean, the case could easily be made that the selection of Gore as the dem choice gave us Bush, that the selection of HR Clinton as the dem choice gave us Trump. If there Democratic party wants to win, they need high voter turnout. They need progressives and Independents. The centrists are already going to vote for whoever their candidate is. It seems like the neolib wing have as much difficulty seeing this as the progressive wing has in seeing that the only real choice is between an R or a D because a third party won't win enough states if any in the electoral college. But at this point it's neither here nor there. Trump supporters by and large haven't changed their mind. So it's accept more Trump or vote for a different garbage politician. Those are the choices. I hope enough people see the danger of Trump and get on board. I hope there's a future in which the center stops demonizing progress and defeating themselves before the general election takes place. Biden is a hard sell.


There are many reasons for not voting for Stein. She's a homeopath and she's anti-vaccine. But I see no reason not to write in Bernie. There are only one or two major issues I disagree with him about. There is no major politician I've ever agreed with more. Biden on the other hand is wrong about almost all major issues.

Theresa_N Level 8 Apr 13, 2020

Is he more wrong than Trump? That's who you would be voting for.

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