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Operation Ukraine: America's Fingerprints---Who supports Ukrainian Nationalism?

Many don't know the entire history of WWll. It wasn't allowed in the movies or the media of that era. That history is being repeated today. That information isn't allowed in our MSMs today. What little we get that should be deserving of our own initiative to seek more information of is whitewashed and half truths. It's indoctrination to suppress us from seeking the truth. And so that when outside sources are presented to you that do expose more truth, you will deny them and or denounce them as enemy propaganda. A falsely manufactured enemy. Trapping us in the worse type of propaganda of the real enemy. The real enemy has been murdering our own for their benefit for a century within the same agenda. Our families have been expendable for that agenda. Not only in regards to WWll and continued Ukraine---Russia issue, but all those since WWll also.


As soon as World War II ended and the Nazis were defeated, US intelligence agencies built ties with former Hitler collaborators to work together against the Soviet Union and then Russia. The operation to form an armed underground movement in Western Ukraine was dubbed 'Aerodynamic'. The CIA assembled war criminals and Bandera movement activists from filtration camps, and created an agent network. Their task was to sabotage nuclear plants and dams on Ukrainian territory in an effort to separate it from the Soviet Union. They terrorised civilians and were responsible for at least 35,000 casualties, according to CIA co-founder Frank Wisner.

In the early 1950s, Red Army units mostly wiped out the nationalist insurgency, however the CIA employed a new strategy. Since then Ukrainian nationalists have been engaged in an ideological anti-Russian war. The operation ‘Prolog’ gradually stoked nationalist sentiment in Ukraine and bred loyalty to Nazi ideas. What is the outcome of half-century-long American influence?

William_Mary 8 Feb 25
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Go to Star Media on YouTube and look for "The Great Patriotic War", as it was known by the Soviet Union, you'll get a documentary view from the Russian side of the events of WWII. A very good documentary.

RT has a documentary that details a fair more amount of information about WWll while also correlating the Ukrainian Nazis of that era and todays era within it. I imagine some of the footage used in their documentaries are from "The Great Patriotic War". As they have a few covering other aspects of that period that detail other issues.

Theirs also includes footage of Churchill's wife visiting the USSR delivering a large donation from the British citizenship and thanking the Russia society for all they did to protect the UK after the initial war, as her husband was back home plaining the next attack with Eisenhower explained in the above CIA operation. There's a lot of significant educational information in the documentaries you and I are talking about that can clarify the truth and expose the real agendas being played out by western governments.


We ae not getting the truth of WWi. most of the history was written in collaboration by Hans Christian Anderson and Bros Grimm.
WWii is no different.
Truth is the first casualty in any conflict, and that happens long before the military come out to play.

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