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My House in the fall
I had mentioned the wild grape vine and poison ivy climbing up the north side of my house. Well, it is now turning a beautiful wine red. In a few weeks, it will be only the stems, and I will hopefully have hlep to pull them all off the house. i kind of like the wild, English country house look right now.

Spinliesel 9 Oct 4
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It is beautiful, but very destructive to your home. Be sure to pull & clean those down, likely some already have snuck into the siding.
I enjoy a lovely Virgina Creeper on a free-standing trellis, same gorgeous color in the fall. During growth season some shoots will reaches for my house siding a foot away, but I snip those down before they lock in.

Thanks. So far, there ios no wevidence of "home invation" The only serious damage is to my radio antenna wires. and the clothes line between the back porch and the barn. The asbestos shingle siding is very tough. Once I replace that, then the battle with vines will get serious because vinyl siding is wimpy compared to this siding..


The plants are slowly reducing the house to rubble. It's what they do.

Sure, The house was built ( by hand) in 1865. It is all native wood and asbestos siding, the best protection against the winds from Lake Ontario.
My GS and I will have to decide if we want to replace the siding. That will discourage the vines. I could have bought a cobblestone house if I wanted permanence, or a nice plastic trailer. I love this house. It felt right when I did the first walk-through in 1976. I will most likely die here.
This is the first time in five years that I can move well enough to start the war against the vines. It would be nice, if I could have goats for a while. They eat everything.


Poison ivy is the only fall color we get in eastern North Carolina .

Besalbub Level 8 Oct 5, 2019

Poison Ivy! Ah hell no! Torch it.....

Sorry.... highly allergic.

Heidi68 Level 8 Oct 4, 2019

If your allergic to poison ivy be careful when you burn it , the smoke can screw up your lungs . How are the fall colors out in Wilkesboro .

I was never allergic to the plant until maybe 10 years ago, when out of the blue, I came down with a bad reaction. Now I come dressed in armor when I do battle.

@Besalbub nothing for fall colors (yet). Today is our first cool day - yesterday it was 92° and we are in a drought so all the leaves are probably going to just fall off 😢 . If we get any color I will post photos

@Spinliesel I have always been super allergic to it and it sucks. Especially since I love being in the woods 😢 . I use to be in a running club and we ran down a 'mountain' which happened to be covered in it. Guess who slipped and rolled part way down? I am not kidding when I say I was covered! Right side of my face, then from my chin all the way down! It was so bad I gave it to my ex-husband.
I hate that stuff!

@Heidi68 oh, dear. I always have to see the doctor for steroid prescriptions when i break out. Therefore, if you come to upstate NY and see a figure inappropriately dressed in Tyvel suit, gloves and boots, it might be me going to battle. The last five years, the vines have been winning because I was handicapped and could not walk outside without a cane, but this fall, it's war! I feel better and more secure on my feet.

@Heidi68 We drove the blue ridge parkway in the fall in the 90s , it was beautiful . Other than that I haven't seen any fall colors in 36 yrs .

@Spinliesel back when that happened I was married to a military man & military docs would not give a woman of childbearing age steroids... it was miserable

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