Jehovah's Witness Stories

This group is designed to discuss the fucked up things you have experienced through your affiliation with this cult. Also for discussing any way you acted out to get even, or just any general JW related information, or questions you may have about this cult.

This group is designed to discuss the fucked up things you have experienced through your affiliation with this cult. Also for discussing any way you acted out to get even, or just any general JW related information, or questions you may have about this cult.

Most Commented Posts By Clauddvon (7) Posts by members only

Jehovah's Witness Stories
Feb 22, 2020Feb 2020

Posted by TattedIrishXx
Can anyone give me some links for trying to start the talk of my boyfriend leaving this cult? I love him and very much see a future with him but he just became a deacon or whatever they call it and said he sometimes goes witnessing. Sounds like he ...
Jehovah's Witness Stories
Jul 19, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by EmberRose003
Hey I'm new to this group.I've just been trying to reach out to as many exjw forms as i can as of late.I was raised in it,a 3rd gen.I think im at the tipping point of being disfellowshipped for apostasy.I don't want to stay i of course don't believe ...
Jehovah's Witness Stories
Jul 19, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Jandii
Hello, I've finally found a site where I can vent my anger, sadness, confusion and absolute disbelief that JW's do any good in the world. My beloved of 18 years was raised a JW, married another JW, as they do at a very young age, and realised over ...
Jehovah's Witness Stories
May 1, 2018May 2018

Posted by Clauddvon
I'll start. A grown man was always hanging out at our house...a "brother" at our kingdom Hall in Radford Va. My parents never found it odd that he loved hanging around their prepubescent sons (7 of us). So for years we were all regularly molested ...
Jehovah's Witness Stories
Nov 7, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by Wildgreens
JWs hide pedophiles
Jehovah's Witness Stories
Jun 8, 2019Jun 2019

Posted by Zealandia
Interesting article on a person leaving the JW faith. She's written a book about her experience.
Jehovah's Witness Stories
May 15, 2018May 2018

Posted by Clauddvon
Who, here, ever "air knocked" when going from door-to-door? During the last 2 years of my witness life, I was so ashamed of what I was learning, and I was already to the point that I knew it was a scam, a cult, and false, that I was "air knocking" ...
Jehovah's Witness Stories
Dec 31, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by Eveanna
How do you handle the pain that comes from knowing you’ll never see certain family members again? When I left I had the rare option to move grandparents wouldn’t even say goodbye,the most I got was a “I hope you come to your Senses”...
Jehovah's Witness Stories
May 31, 2018May 2018

Posted by Clauddvon
The only thing I miss... ...I have nieces and nephews who are teenagers that I've never even met because my siblings are still JW's. Anyone else find themselves in this situation? How sad and fucked up is that? They all know that when they're old...
Shared from Religion & Spirituality
May 2, 2018May 2018

Posted by Clauddvon
So, now for a lighter experience. When I was a baptized witness (I was baptized at 13 and disfellowshipped at 16). My reasons for being baptized in the first place was because we were never allowed to do anything with others (the whole "worldly ...
Jehovah's Witness Stories
Jul 30, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by Wildgreens
Charles Taze Russell Zion’s Watchtower page 8 first edition “What is truth” A truth presented by satan himself is just as true as a true stated by god. Perhaps no class of people are more apt to overlook this FACT then the christian.
Jehovah's Witness Stories
Jan 31, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by BestWithoutGods
About 3 months ago I met a man in the park who introduced himself to me and gave me a JW pamphlet to read. Since then, he has given me more and more to read, and I've been reading it. However, I am honest with him. I tell him that I require good ...
Jehovah's Witness Stories
Sep 6, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by z0000
Something I found on a youtube video comment. Anyone care to comment as to the validity of these claims? "I can't call the wtbts a religion because they are in fact a publishing corporation. The SOCIETY owns stocks in military manufacturing ...
Jehovah's Witness Stories
Jun 8, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Zealandia
Hi there. Thought I'd contribute on an aspect of JW. I'm a deaf guy from New Zealand. The JW's there actively target deaf people out in the community and visit them in their homes. It causes a lot of anger and resentment. Here's a story about it. ...
Jehovah's Witness Stories
May 31, 2018May 2018

Posted by filcek78
Funny, I just joined this group yesterday and just a little while ago some Jehovah’s Witnesses came to my door. They were very close friends of my parents and I had spent most of my adolescence with a crush on their daughter who was also my sisters...
Jehovah's Witness Stories
May 6, 2018May 2018

Posted by Clauddvon
Higher education is EVIL! (this is the kind of bullshit these old, clueless, governing body members push onto their sheep that they continue to fleece.) :
Jehovah's Witness Stories
May 5, 2018May 2018

Posted by zing
I was never molested or anything, I actually have pretty good memories of most of the elders and 'friends'. I feel damaged though and have mixed feelings because I look back and I think 'I knew this shit didn't make sense even as a kid', and maybe I ...
Jehovah's Witness Stories
May 16, 2018May 2018

Posted by z0000
I have many questions for JWs / ex-JWs. Would it be acceptable for me to ask them in this group? Maybe it would be better if we started another group. Something like "JWs revealed" or "True facts about the Watchtower Society" ?
Jehovah's Witness Stories
May 18, 2018May 2018

Posted by ElizaLiza
Grew up in Montreal area. Raised as a JW, left at 19, disfellowshipped for "fornication". Never looked back, still working on "guilt" that all religions and followers use to control others. Quite happy with life :)
Jehovah's Witness Stories
May 30, 2018May 2018

Posted by filcek78
Hi. New to the group. I was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness. I even used to go door to door and gave talks. I’ve been disfelowshiped for about 22 years now. I wanted to get disfellowshiped I think which is why I admitted to my parents and the ...
Jehovah's Witness Stories
Aug 31, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by sfvpool
One slightly positive result from being a JW that I experienced is that I learned to read well at an early age. My mother, wanting to be the perfect JW, forced me to give public Bible readings at the age of five, which is something the JWs had as ...
1 comment
Jehovah's Witness Stories
May 23, 2018May 2018

Posted by Clauddvon
This should be interesting: : "Leah Remini's Next A&E Project to Tackle Jehovah's Witness"
1 comment
Jehovah's Witness Stories
May 23, 2018May 2018

Posted by SonOfABeach
. Of the many that I have, I'll share two kind of interesting once. Jehovah's Witnesses were always one of my favorite to pick on. They and the morons. I mean Mormons. The first one I recall a number of years ago. I had two very attractive ...
1 comment
Jehovah's Witness Stories
May 12, 2018May 2018

Posted by zing
Peace and security
1 comment
Jehovah's Witness Stories
May 27, 2019May 2019

Posted by Thomas366
I came into contact with JW in my twenties and was impressed. They were not like traditional Christianity. So I jump in head first and became one. But as time went on I found I didn't agree with all the teachings. I started to question things. But ...
1 comment


Posted by pgl4vtLast time this happened was 1980.

Posted by WildgreensJWs hide pedophiles

Posted by BestWithoutGodsLaughing my donkey off. 😂🤣😂🤣

Posted by zingNothing to fear

Posted by ClauddvonI'll start.

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