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But Denny's.....

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 May 5
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You forgot to add something here.

Inbred, mouth breathing conservatives with guns and racist symbols wearing MAGA hats carrying Trump signs?...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz As used by Trump "deep state" is the intelligence gathering arms of the US government. Outside of arresting the occasional terrorist or spy, they don't do much on physically stopping anyone from going anywhere.

Denny's is a chain restaurant, often used for late night breakfast. It's preferred restaurant by after hours strippers. BTW, they often complain they don't have any back door Johnnies that will take them there. It's way, way off topic but golly Wally it's a fun place to go off course.

"Inbred, mouth breathing conservatives with guns and racist symbols wearing MAGA hats carrying Trump signs" has no connection to the other two things on the list. Oh, I suppose if you were a hick racist guy from California on a binge drinking spree you might wind up there.

Do tell. Have you been to Denny? Did you order their grand slam?

@WonderWartHog99 In my younger days I used to be one of those guys taking the ladies out after the bar closed.... The inbred mouth breathing racists are the protestors....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Your dots do not connect Denny's, the protestors and the deep state. That's why I said you left something out.

The main cause of the protestors is most Americans run out of money staying home after a few weeks. They're facing evictions, living in the street, fun things like that. Alcohol sales are up, domestic violence is up and stress related mental illness are setting in for them because they're been in self isolation. Is that better than catching and spreading a deadly disease?

He didn't forget anything. @lizard_of_AHAZ I got it right away!

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