Although I do follow the recommendations, face mask - social distancing & hand washing, I am coming around to a more open view of herd immunity. I think it could work in the US on a limited regional basis, one at a time. Of course, if it didn't work we could blame the politicians, or the preachers, or any other group we can think of, of course, blame the sharks.
"Herd immunity" is bullshit... If it were real vaccines would be completely unnecessary. The return of small pox and Whooping cough as well as other diseases as a problem proves there is no such thing as a "herd immunity"
Vaccines also cause disease such as polio where the vaccine actually extended the outbreak. There are some vaccines which cause a shedding after administration causing vaccinated folks to spread the very disease they intend to protect against. The Herd Immunity argument does not work with vaccines as studies have been done in prime area's where 90+ percent were vaccinated and yet measles events occurred not from vaccinated children but was discovered that vaccinated kids actually spread the disease to other vaccinated kids . The science isn't settled yet though...there is more to learn I'm sure.
@Moravian. Neither polio or small pox was said to contain b-HCG causing infertility, however, there was speculation that a tetanus vaccine distributed in Africa contained such. I would suggest you brush up on your facts concerning the polio vaccine. It wasn't the cure all most believe. Here is a section to an article I will link below:
Between 1923 and 1953 (before the Salk vaccine’s introduction), the polio death rate in the U.S. had declined on its own by 47 percent; England had observed a similar pattern, with a 55 percent decline.1 Following the use of Salk’s vaccine between 1955 and 1963, however, cases of polio in the U.S. increased—by 50 percent from 1957 to 1958 and by 80 percent between 1958 and 1959.16. Some of this was caused by what has become known as the cutter incident which caused seventy thousand cases of muscle weakness, one hundred and sixty-four cases of severe paralysis and ten deaths. Three fourths (75 percent) of the victims remained paralyzed for the rest of their lives.
In either event, I will always stand behind anyone's right to their own viewpoint and their own determination of which vaccines are safe and effective and which are not. More information (including the reversal of the CDC statement that vaccines do not cause autism) are on the horizon for all to evaluate. Such recent revelations should make all truth seeking individuals take a closer look before placing their flag on either side of the discussion.
@warlord13 P
"Polio vaccines are vaccines used to prevent poliomyelitis. Two types are used: an inactivated vaccine given by injection and a attenuated vaccine given by mouth. The World Health Organization recommends all children be fully vaccinated against polio. The two vaccines have eliminated polio from most of the world, and reduced the number of cases reported each year from an estimated 350,000 in 1988 to 33 in 2018.!
You neglected to mention that the MMR vaccine causes autism.
You quote from an organisation that promotes healthy eating, which is laudable , apart from their promotion of raw milk, as a third of people ion the USA and the UK are obese but they should stick to that as they obviously know nothing about medicine
It is a meme...supposed to be funny, however, in a serious light...Pennsylvania removed over 200 deaths from the COVID-19 reporting list for folks who obviously died of other causes. Critical thinking requires we ask the tough questions...esp with a government that is clearly overstepping it's constitutional powers.
Every year the flu is listed as the cause of death on only about 3-5,000 death certificates. The actual death toll is estimated to be over 10times that. Without the virus, it is highly unlikely that the underlying conditions would have resulted in death, so they are correctly attibuted to the virus since testing proved that they had it.
Perhaps, however, it should be noted that 4 studies (2-California, 1-Germany, 1-Iceland) all came to a very similar conclusion that when antibody blood testing was done on a mass number of people in a given area, it was found that many more people had covid-19 and recovered or were asymptomatic that previously believed. The results of these studies with this new information found that the true death toll was 9/100 of 1%. The CDC numbers used a comparison of tested, infected, and death which does not give us a complete picture as these 4 studies have.
@warlord13The difference is each of the attibuted deaths are confirmed by testing, normally live virus. You are talking apples and oranges. Like the flu, it is radically underreported. And by your numbers we should expect 3 million dead. (.009 times 330 million = 2.97million)
@warlord13 Is that like Florida faking its numbers as well as Texas doing the same?... Hate to tell you but those 200 likely did die from the virus but the political hacks want to please their big money donors at your expense....
@warlord13 It should be noted that today alone so far more than 800 people have died from the virus 165 of them in Pennsylvania...
@glennlab More likely 9 million dead ...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz I was just using his numbers.
@glennlab The Spanish Flu killed 2 to 2 a/2% of the US population we are on track for at least that number of dead now by the end of this year which would be close to 9 million....
@warlord13 Could you cite those studies, please?
@AtheistInNC I first saw these studies referenced in Dave Chamption's Video here:
Some people believe anti-body testing can produce false positives so the death rate may be slightly higher than 9/100 of 1%
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