6.... #'s 6,8,13,14,15 and 17 jumping out of a perfectly safe airplane makes no sense at all and if the plane isn't safe why would you go up in it to begin with?....
7 of those. I must have had a sheltered life.
2, 10, and 14, no plans to fulfill 14, 2 or 10 either but somehow I feel my willingness is not as important for those milestones lol
6,10 and 17. Guess I haven’t lived a full life.... yet.
Are those the one you have, or haven't done... ?
@scurry the three I haven’t done. I may just try to complete the list...just wondering what I should do to get arrested...
You really need to skip school...
@KingofHarts that was on my list of the things I ve done
@Pralina1 But was it a real full fledged Ferris Bueller skip day??? Or was it just faking sick and staying home and watching The Price is Right, Bob Ross etc. ?????
@KingofHarts man , I went to a private all girls school in Italy up to 15, then to a private all girls school in Greece u do the math ! . I skipped school twice , once Bcz my dog died , and once in highschool to protest ( throwing tomatoes ) to the American embassy . I was a dork then and still a dork today
@KingofHarts I thought the points are for the things that u have not done . I only did 9 things from this list , and none of these are even exciting
@Pralina1 Haha Throwing at the U.S. Embassy!!! Lol. That is great! How old were you? What were you protesting????
@KingofHarts 17 and sure I will change the world . We wanted Greece out of NATO . Waste of my x . It took many year to understand how politics work . That summer I graduated and spend 2 yrs w 6 month break betwen in Africa as a volunteer . That was not a waste of my time . But I did not changed shit .
It’s easy to volunteer when u know dad will provide what u need . I learned that also later in life . But we did good work there , and many still do .
I am the most boring person ever and absolutely chicken shit for any adventure like the ones on this meme . I have been on tv thou and I have met many celebrities , not Bcz of me , but Bcz of my dad .
18 for me but remember I am old so I've had more time to mess up.
@Hastur Thank you, I haven't done 2 of them I don't have a tattoo and I have never been skydiving. The drugs and zip line are iffy since I only inhaled 2 or 3 puffs of a marijuana cigarrette in Amsterdam 3 years ago and I have a small zip line in my backyard which I've gone down part of the way.
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