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It's a recycle...but


SeaGreenEyez 9 June 1
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Never seen a clowder of cats following the lead cat. Cats show up at my door step individually. There is a calico kitten that hangs out UNDER the house, apparently hunting mice. Percy, my Tom cat, refuses to go outside and is in charge of killing the indoor mice.

Percy gets upset when he looks outside the window and sees the as yet unnamed calico hanging out on the front porch. Petunia, the temporary spouse, picks it up, hugs it and tells me we are NOT getting a second cat. She rants on that Percy will be our last cat. I'd like an outdoor cat, if we can keep the calico around.

I'm tempted to put a flea collar with an old animal control tag from a previous (RIP) cat on the calico. I assume the calico has adopted a different human because it doesn't act feral.

@SeaGreenEyez Missed the documentaries. Went to his former home in Key West instead. They try to deport "his" cats which are strays. Now let me tell you about their wild feral saber tooth chickens . . .


So that is how it happens ?

GEGR Level 7 June 1, 2020

Yes.. Fred is in charge 😂😂


That's hilarious! 😂😂

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