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I absolutely support the right to peacefully protest. But once you start to burn and loot, you lose the moral high ground and become just another criminal.

Boxdoc 7 June 14
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In Seattle a 7 year old child was maced illegally by a cop at a peaceful protest.... The man who filmed and uploaded the video was arrested and spent 2 days in jail for it... #DefundThePolice...


Nice how you ignore the FACT that this picture was used as far back as 2013.... Not to mention the FACT that so far the majority of the looting and arson as well as cop killings have all been traced back to organizations like the "Boogaloo Bois" and other White Supremacist groups with some help from the drug cartels... Typical racism on your part isn't it?...
FYI if you don't believe me try reading the FBI's press releases on the subject and look into the arrest for murder in California of a known member of the Boogaloo Bois... This meme is a product of their's and through several far right-wing fake news outfits has been claimed to have been taken in half the cities in the US....

Thank you for replying Liz. I always look forward to reading your comments, as I can always use a good laugh.

@Boxdoc You really are an idiot then aren't you?... Duped by the Nazi right-wing Qanon members....




@Bn4fE5 Welcome to Seattle the city Trump wants to invade using the military...


The looting is by a severely socially paralyzed minority. They're out of work. They are used to stealing to get what they want. Their family are mostly in prison. They are suffering hardships you and I will never know.

And the stores that are looted aren't set up to prevent it very well.

Empathize with the looters. They are suffering, and struggling.

Robecology Level 9 June 14, 2020

When protesters loot, burn, block traffic, I have zero sympathy for their cause.


If peaceful protests work perfectly then we as country would never go to war. How many times have we as a country been so mad that we ignored peaceful and international protocols and straight out Went and bombed the shit out of some countries? Heck, there have been times we were so mad that we even went and bombed the shit out of wrong countries.

We all (or at least most us) agree that looting and violence is not the way forward. A lot of peaceful protests go around in this country and unfortunately it often certainly falls on deaf ears. Maybe we as a country need to do a good job listening to and supporting peaceful protects. Do you remember when Colin Kaepernick decided to peacefully and quietly protest in the NFL? Yeah, almost the whole country lost their marbles and started calling for his head.

Also, do a research on the phrases "agent provocateur" and "paid agitators".

And as some have already said, there are "few bad apples" who will always try and take advantage of peaceful causes.

yaway Level 6 June 14, 2020

In light of recent events, Kap's looking good now.


The same people that point this out and claim all protesters are criminals also claim it is only a few bad apples in the police departments. We need to be a little more consistent, criminal actively is wrong whether done by "protesters" or cops.

glennlab Level 10 June 14, 2020

... but also, the police should be a higher standard due to the position of trust that they hold.

The police are allowed to carry guns and shoot people, and in a court of law if the policeman says, "He did it." and the defendant says, "I didn't do it." , the judge places greater credence with the policeman.

@AtheistInNC I can carry a gun any time I want. I don't have to be a cop to be armed.

@jdubose I think you missed the "... and shoot people" part. Do you carry a gun, get called to crimes and shoot people?

@AtheistInNC We all should be held to the higher standard.The looters deserve no pity and no quarter. They are criminals.

@jdubose Ah, yes. breaking the law. As Anatole France said succinctly: “The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.”

For centuries - that's hundreds of years - POC have been shit upon and treated as second class citizens. You don't fear for you life if stopped by law enforcement. You don't have to live wondering if you will be accosted by some fucking busybody while you are minding your own business on your own property. You apparently don't understand the situation as a whole, so you say 'the looters deserve no pity and no quarter.'

A man just got shot in the back in Atlanta by a policeman. He was running away and the officer had no reason to 'fear for his life', he was just too lazy to chase him down, or too out of shape, and chose to end his fucking life by shooting him. That, my friend is why looting is happening.

Business owners are inconvenienced and have to file insurance claims - but men are being shot in the back because they run from the police. (And they had been talking to him for 20 minutes, had his name, address, all the info. He could have been told to walk home - he offered - but they chose to escalate. I call Bullshit on the 'no pity and no quarter'. You are a man with a stone cold heart, if you truly believe what you wrote.

@AtheistInNC At what point do criminals get to decide if the police are treating them fairly. If the police say stop then stop no back shots necessary. The disrupters don't get to decide. If the disruptors had been reared to have self respect and order they may not have so many problems. Many of them are a result of their culture - not the police. Can't blame police for cultural lack of self discipline. Has nothing to do with race.

@jdubose unfortunately, they've been forced into their "culture" and "rearing" by poverty, poor education and white supremacy keeping them from having good jobs. If we spent billions on education and infrastructure rather than defense, POC wouldn't have to riot to be treated well.

Your " If the police say stop then stop no back shots necessary." is horseshit. No one should be shot in the back and killed for any reason ... especially since the police already knew he lived just a few blocks away, his car was parked out of the way, he posed no immediate threat, and he was inebriated. They could have showed up at his house the next morning and told him to come on down to the station instead of shooting him.

And by your 'follow instructions' rule, if a policeman runs up to your car at a stop light, says, "get out! I need your car!" and you ask him why, he should just shoot you in the face and say, "you should have followed instructions, old timer!" and that would be ok?

@AtheistInNC Your reasoning is spot on. Seems to be wasted on police apologists.

@AtheistInNC You can "what if" forever, how many times are people shot in the circumstance? The guy took the taser, if he would have taken the gun he would have shot the gun. There are plenty of reasons for a back shot, you obviously have experience (military) in a life or death confrontation. Has your military experience taught you nothing? My experience was different. Police are there to regulate not to counsel. Can't always blame the police.

@CarolinaGirl60 Are morals dictated by income and education? Sounds like a case for religion.🙄

@jdubose Police are there to protect and serve the citizens, not to execute them.
But please, keep licking the boot.


0.1% are looting. The other 99.9% should not be denigrated for the acts of the few. Unless, of course, you favor being thrown in jail because a family member commits a crime. Cuz, hey, if your family member is an outlaw ... chances are, you are too.

Might get a little more parental involvment in rearing their children.

@jdubose Easy to say, but hard to do when your dad has been shot and killed by the police.

Empathy, sympathy and compassion aren't even in your dictionary, are they?

@AtheistInNC A cultural problem. It needs to be recognized. Can't close your eyes to the problem. Empathy and sympathy come when the fire is out.


I agree. Our protests need to be peaceful.


Justifying their criminality.

jdubose Level 7 June 14, 2020

Exactly. No matter how angry or frustrated, I don’t believe I could ever cross that line to pillage and loot. Good people (regardless of race) don’t cross that line. Unfortunately, mob mentality gives people more courage...


Peaceful protesters do not burn and loot... Criminals do that...


You know, on the whole, I agree with you. However, there is a lot more to this movement than simply declaring looting is bad. One must consider the underlying conditions that have lead to this movement's necessity. You appear to be white, as am I. As such, we have only watched from the sidelines and seen the stories on tv news about black men being discriminated against or killed for something as harmless as "driving while black". Can you imagine what that must feel like? Neither can I. The oppression the black community has endured can be analogized to a rubber band. When you stretch it so far, it will recoil violently. The mob mentality kicks in and young blacks in that time and place can just feel like "fuck it, I'm gonna get something for myself." I may react the same way, given those same circumstances. Maybe you would, too. Maybe. Compassion and understanding is what we need to bring to the table. I shall now exit my soapbox.

Thank you Stilltrying1964, well said.

@Theresa_N you are welcome. My mission in life is to raise the level of enlightenment of humans. Cutiebeauty is in need of some enlightenment. If she really is the person in her photo, then a couple things come to mind. First, she doesn't appear to be white, so I am confused by her apparent lack of empathy. Second, she appears to be one of the "pretty people" who have doors opened for her as a matter of course. Again, enlighten yourselves and the world will be a better place for all.

Sounds a lot like pity.

There is plenty of video proof of white people destroying property and looting as well. Peaceful black protesters are begging them to stop, because the black community always gets the blame.

I understand that people are beyond angry and tired of being targeted for their skin color and some want to take out their aggressions. That's completely justified, in my opinion, whatever that's worth as a white person. I'm angry too. I hate racism. I don't see skin color, I see an individual.

The individuals who are out burning and stealing are criminals, pure and simple. There is no amount of compassion and understanding that will justify breaking and entering, arson, theft, etc. Those are considered crimes for a reason. If any of those things were done at any other time by any person, regardless of skin color, they would be criminals and treated as such. People are stealing shit because, "fuck it, no one is around to arrest me".

It is true, no one is around to arrest them. Why? Police are out arresting peaceful protesters instead. They're out throwing tear gas and spraying mace on the people who are rallying for change while the same old criminals are freely committing the same old crimes.

My heart breaks for black people. The violence is so beyond senseless. White, black, fucking purple, doesn't matter. Nothing will change as long as asshats are given free passes to act like asshats.

@Stilltrying1964 > . . . If she [cutiebeauty] really is the person in her photo . . ,

She's blocked me. Therefore, I don't know what kind of nonsense she's spouting now. Last time I saw this profile picture issue come up, she admitted her photo was that of a porn star.

Disclaimer: my profile photo comes with a quote from philosopher Bertrand Russell and the photo identifies who it is. I have run across ONE PERSON who thought my profile picture was a picture of me.

No, boys and girls I am not the ghost of Bertrand Russell (1870-1962).

Stay on the soapbox. We need everyone to start shaming those who think that there is no reason for these riots, that POC are doing "ok", that there is no 'white privilege', and especially shame those that think shooting someone in the back is ok. great zeus, what a bunch of maroons.

@jdubose Your profile states you are ‘non judgmental’
I gotta say, I disagree.

@CarolinaGirl60 Possibly we disagree on what it means to be judgemental. Actions have consequences. If you choose to protect your child from wild animals so he or she may live longer, that is one kind of judgment. If you condemn a child to death by not teaching him or her the ways of nature that is another. The wrong kind of judgment is to decide if one person has more value than another. When I say nonjudgmental I'm talking about rights or value. What do you mean?

@jdubose I’m sorry, I was trying to be nice. I think you’re a racist. You judge white people to be superior to POC.

@CarolinaGirl60 your problem 😐 not mine. You make your own choice. BTW how do you decide if someone is racist, any who disagreed?

@jdubose Keep telling yourself that. Maybe it will become true. 🙄🙄🙄

@CarolinaGirl60 I'm sure 😊

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