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I didn't know this until today, and I think it's important that more people know this.
Happy Juneteenth.

scurry 9 June 19
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Absolutely needed, Texas is still like that

bobwjr Level 10 June 20, 2020

I saw this on the news...


Loved the way Trump took credit for publicizing it because as usual if he hasn't heard of something apparently no one else did either


Most people are so dumb they think Lincoln was a Republican president.... He ran on the National Unity ticket....

@altschmerz I used to talk as an equal to my history professor in college... I actually taught her some things she didn't know...

The National Union Party was the temporary name used by the Republican Party and elements of other parties for the national ticket in the 1864 presidential election.

One should observe history is a fable agreed upon.

@WonderWartHog99 No the National Unity party was formed by Lincoln himself and he ran under it trying to keep the country intact. His VP was a member of the Democratic party and a slave holder... The party only died because Lincoln was assassinated and Johnson got impeached leaving a complete lack of leadership and political support for their bad policies. If Johnson hadn't become president the White South wouldn't be in the position of political power it is today and by now the economy there would have been long rebuilt. We also would not be having to fight fascism again in our own country a second time...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz > . . . We also would not be having to fight fascism again in our own country a second time...

It has been my observation people who toss around the word "fascism" can't define it correctly.

@WonderWartHog99 In my experience it has been the opposite... Most people in the US don't know the difference between fascism, socialism, and communism... All of you seem to think they are a single economic/political system and think it has to do with Hitler...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz >In my experience it has been th4 opposite... Most people in the US don't know the difference between fascism, socialism, and communism...

Shorter version: they can't define fascism. It's fearsome we agree.

Sounds like you've got a knee jerk reaction to my replies: if Warthog said it, it must be wrong.

The ignorant brand things they don't like with the unfashionable label for an economic system. If they're feeling cute, they'll link it to Hitler.

Nobody links anything to Attila the Hun. 😟

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