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When they call it "heritage..."

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 June 24
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That racist flag makes me want to ... 🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


According to California attorney Kerry Armstrong, California’s incest laws are more lenient when compared to some other states. In California "California incest does not apply to cousins, adopted siblings, or stepparents and stepchildren. "

If you are going hump family members, move to California. If it's your cousin, you won't serve time. Hump your adopted children while you're at. It's okay in California.

Source: []

"No – incest is not legal in California.

Every state prohibits incest in some form.

One reason for this is the high chance of birth defects in children whose parents are related. "

California defines incest on the level of genetic hazard and actual relationship instead of including those who were simply added to the family through marriage or adoption....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz >Every state prohibits incest in some form.

In California, they don't prohibit incest between cousins. Your meme suggest those living in Dixie have cornered the market on incest between cousins. My citation from a California lawyer says differently. California cousins can do the dirty, all day, all night with no worries.

Ah, California, best known for its fruits and nuts.

@WonderWartHog99 Liar....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Your source starts out saying "Cousin marriage laws in the United States vary considerably . . , " and then says first cousin marriages are legal in California. That aligns with my source from a California attorney.

Not only can one hump their cousin in California, they can marry them as well.

Your source also cites several states in Dixie where first cousin sex and/or first cousin marriage is illegal.

@WonderWartHog99 Liar....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Why didn't you ALSO take a screen shot of the map on your web site of the US which lists California as one of the states where first cousin marriages?

Wikipedia is not a reliable source.

@WonderWartHog99 So you admit you recognize the source? Wikipedia is cited and comes from reliable sources. While it isn't 100% it is far more reliable than a criminal defense lawyer's website....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz > . . . you admit you recognize the source?

I fart in your web site's general direction for having conflicting graphics with their tables.

>While it isn't 100% it is far more reliable than a criminal defense lawyer's website....

I try to cite the most RELIABLE source so inbred toad suckers with meadow muffin breath can call me a liar. Wikileaks is legendary for being an UNreliable source. In contrast if one has a profession that requires one to have a track record of proving their subject matter in court, it's a given they know what they're talking about.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I cited a California attorney who said "Unlike other states, in California incest does not apply to cousins, adopted siblings, or stepparents and stepchildren." If you're a California attorney who has to prove cases to courts regularly, odds are you not only know the law, you know how it works and how it applies. It's a very credible source.

While Wikipedia is far from a reliable source and cites STATES IN DIXIE, where sex between cousins is not allowed. You provided an edited screen shot from an unreliable source. You edited out states in Dixie where sex with cousins is a criminal offense in your reply as well.

You trying to incite my verbal wrath and indignation for assuming I'm that gullible?


Was this made up by one of Trump's boys?

FrayedBear Level 9 June 24, 2020

It's legal in the UK.

FrayedBear Level 9 June 24, 2020

The Queen is married to her third time cousin and Charles Darwin was married to his first cousin.

Some states here it is still legal as well.... One of the reasons law enforcement in the Deep South can be so difficult.... The lack of teeth makes dental records impossible to identify the corpse and all the DNA is the same....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz the agrarian region where I live has a high incidence of mentally challenged citizens (it also one of the highest ratios of PhD's). A cynic stated that the horse and buggy has lot to blame.

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