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Life lessons

Zoohome 8 July 6
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The real reason not to have dogs in the house is how they scoot across the floor after taking a shit....

Isn't that worms causing that behaviour?

@FrayedBear Anything that makes their butt itch causes it and my mother's dog growing up used to do it all the time even though she never had worms....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz is the crap in dog food responsible?

@FrayedBear No idea why...

My girls never do that. It is usually worms or or too rich canned food that causes that.. I also have enough sense to not own carpet with big dogs. Carpet in general is horribly filthy if people wear choes inside anyway.

They scoot if they have anal gland or worms problems. If you feed your dog proper diet and give them deworming, you should not have that issue.
Like @wolf041 said - carpet is filthy regardless of dogs inside the house.
Yes @frayedbear food can cause that too. If not enough fiber, their anal glands are not naturally expressed and it bothers them, so they scoot.

@Zoohome I will stick with my four indoor only cats anyway thanks....

@wolf041, @Zoohome, @Lizard_of_Ahaz Do you guys not have poop scooping and anti roaming dog laws? Since being introduced here things have been a lot better in terms of street hygiene. It is not unusual to see people with bare feet and thongs are a favoured foot accoutrement.

@FrayedBear We do but enforcing them can be difficult at times....

@FrayedBear First I'd have to have a street, or possibly a town, or neighbors for any of that to be a concern 😄 If they want to poop in the woods they are in good company with the coyotes, bears, Wildcats, rabbits, deer , etc etc Going barefoot around here is a good way to get a snakebite .. even if not for the dogs, carpet is an incredibly bad idea living in the woods. It just holds dirt, turns to mud if wet boots come in, and holds bugs, which, when you live in the woods , are s fact of life.

@wolf041 here you are required to pick it up in the woods if it is on the pathway.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz it is one of the sad ways that employment has been created - council rangers enforcing local by-laws. It would not be necessary in an intelligent society.

@FrayedBear There are no pathways here. At least not ones made by humans . I'm in the middle of the Ozarks. They have rangers and such down at the campground by the lake, but most of the rest around here is wild forrest.. I grew up in the big city. No thanks 😄

@wolf041 If you hear banjos do you run like hell?....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz like you can't even begin to imagine

@Lizard_of_Ahaz ok. But have you smelled their paws? It can stink cat little quite often.
Just saying... 😁

@Zoohome All four are extremely clean as little boxes here are kept very clean as well. People are surprised I have any cats much less four.

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