They should have used an Aurus Senat -
No doubt they are just like their tanks.... You can't get spare parts for them to keep them running.... Kind of like a bic lighter after they run out of gas you have to buy a new one....
@Lizard_of_Ahaz You reckon? The $177 milioon of pre-sales is interesting as is the acceleration 0-100 in 6 seconds.
@FrayedBear Remember the Yugo?....
@Lizard_of_Ahaz no.
@FrayedBear Made in Yugoslavia and constantly broke down but even the dealers couldn't get parts for the pile of shit....Cheap to buy but still not worth the price...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz the Aurus is a flagship.
I don't think that we had Yugos in Australia.
@FrayedBear Lucky you... They were a communist knock off of the Fiat 127 which was built in the 1960s' Fiat standing for "Fix it again Tony" even Fiat no longer made parts for them... After 2 years one that still ran usually sold for less than $500.00....
"The Yugo’s short-lived American career started back in the mid 1980s, when Malcolm Bricklin, the automotive entrepreneur responsible for the introduction of several foreign brands to the American public including Subaru and Fiat, had another bright idea; to import the then communist-made Yugo subcompact hatch from [what is now former] Yugoslavia into the heart of Ronald Reagan’s America.
The Yugo, which was based on the mechanics and platform of the 1970s Fiat 127, was presented in the U.S. in the summer of 1985 with a dirt-cheap price tag of just $3,990. In the beginning, customers loved it and it looked like Bricklin had hit it, with sales peaking at 48,500 units in 1987.
However, America’s cult love-affair with the cheapest car in the market quickly dried out after customers realized that they got what they paid for with sales plundering to just under 4,000 units in 1991, the last year the Yugo was imported to the States."
@Lizard_of_Ahaz though how much loss of consumer demand occurred from competition manufacturers slagging it off? In Australia the Leyland P76 was crushed by Ford & GM anti advertising (plus an instinctive hatred of anything British). The P76 bombed but has subsequently been proven to be an excellent machine. It was suggested to me that I install an lpg fuelled P76 V8 motor in my 6 ton bus.
@FrayedBear Read the autotrader link it has a review that explains why it tanked... The Yugo deserved to tank it was a shit excuse for a car and should never have been allowed into the country I am sure there was bribery involved somewhere along the line.
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Hm. The original Fiat wasn't a bad car. I think that we had Spanish built Seats basedon the same design justas Ford & GM rebadge models for different countries and used to build them locally.
@Lizard_of_Ahaz the following wuote said s lot -"if you had any doubts about its slowness, they’d be erased the second you opened the hood, when you discovered the engine is sharing its space with the spare tire. And that the spare tire is larger." however I once owned a Fiat 500 Guiardinari - 40 mph downhill with 3 blokes busily farting h I loved that car & believe that everyone should spend a year driving one in order to become appreciative of the fact there are other road users.
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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