Welp is not recognided by the Collins dictionary? Instead it returns Whelp which is to give birth or as a noun means a young animal.
Meriam-Webster and the Farley freedictionary do however recognise it - [dictionary.com]
Welp, guess they're just not hip to my jive.
Too bad, so sad, time to move along.
Good for MW & F.
@scurry what is our problem? I've clarified the word used for anyone else who has not previously encountered it. What are you a misandrist or just in cognitive denial?
Actually I used the are you a Republican test, because you get the same results.
Sure, if that works for you. Ha ha.
But 90+% of the world population doesn't live in the USA; whereas the pandemic is pretty much Global.
@scurry since I’m not leaving the country anytime soon, it will work.
@Killtheskyfairy Excellent. We all need our strategies.
@scurry what other country allows our germ-infested selves in nowadays, duuuuhhhhhh. Even my state, CT, interdicts most of you, requir9ng a 2-week quarantine or a $2500.00 fine.
@Killtheskyfairy what proportion of people living in USA are not born there?
you can also ask that question right now - same results
Very true, but if it's in person... the question answers itself. LOL
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