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Things adults shouldn't believe in anymore

Hages 7 Oct 23
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Doesn't the Fake President believe in all those things? 😛

No Trump believes in Fascism...

@Hages Putin is satisfied with his own Fascist paradise but wants to make it a "New World Order" just as Hitler wanted....


Not sure what you are trying to say.
We shouldn't believe the soviet union exists?
We shouldn't believe communism exists?
We shouldn't believe a hammer and sickle exists?

Sometimes meme pictures don't convey what you wish ...

@Hages Yet it also implies capitalism and fascism are both ok.... Honestly neither are and should have been placed in the meme as well...

@Hages To be really fair communism isn't trying to take over the country unlike the people who made your meme....

I LUV the people who come on here warning how "Communism" will prevail if we do/don't do whatever they are worried about...I am just so glad they stepped out of their Mom's basement at last!

@AnneWimsey You mean these guys?...

@Hages Personally I am also glad they are crawling out from under their rocks so they can be shot when they start their "second civil war" These Trump supporters should have been declared the domestic terrorists they are long ago.


What are these things?

@Hages So where are the swastika and symbols of greed that are destroying the USA?...

@Hages You mean they don't convey what anyone who isn't batshit crazy enough to think they are a "Master Race" would wish...


The meme needs a picture of me the president and the collection would be complete.

freedom41 Level 9 Oct 23, 2020
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