8 8

Dear America, if Trump wins, here is a useful guide.

Heather2367 8 Nov 3
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Funny...but no one's gonna move...regardless of who wins. There does seem to be a high degree of animosity; but for 99% of us life will go on pretty much as it has. It should be fun to watch all the A-hole action on TV.

Buck up.
Keep trying.
The world will go on one way or the other. Hope for the best...but prepare for the worst.

What's the phrase....if you're not living then you're getting ready to die? I'm not ready yet.


Before even thinking about this go to Netflix and watch the multiple season of Heavy rescue 401 (this highway is said to carry more traffic than any other in the whole of N. America). It's a fun but scary as hell series so Toronto Nooooo thanks.


I live in Oregon, where do we go? Waterloo? I want to hear the letures and talk to the people at the Perimeter Institute.


Lake Ontario is similar to the ocean

AmmaRE007 Level 7 Nov 3, 2020

Does that overlay fit Vancouver also?


I thought that an unused tract of land would be best to build a Newusa City. Should we build a wall to keep out immigrant Repugs?

OldGoat43 Level 9 Nov 3, 2020

Just shoot the son-a-bitches on-site, like zombies.


New New York.

Florida for young and old.

brentan Level 8 Nov 3, 2020

Yes, everyone move to nyc!! We look out!

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