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From the Office of President of the United States.

Dear Texas,

We have received your petition to secede from the United States, and have forwarded it to Congress who will act on it with their usual speed.

Any Texas citizen holding a US passport is required to surrender it immediately. Entry into the US will require a valid Texas passport. Anyone staying longer than two weeks will have to obtain a visa. Any Texas citizen (those with birth certificates issued from Texas or currently holding a Texas driver's license unless they can show a non-Texas birth certificate) in the United States have 72 hours to leave or be deported with a permanent ban on returning to the United States. This includes former Representatives and Senators from the former State of Texas.

Funding for highways, transportation, bridges, infrastructure, education and medical facilities will cease immediately. Your representatives to the US Congress are ordered to leave Washington DC immediately.

All US licenses to do business are revoked. All business interests headquartered in the Country of Texas are immediately severed from doing any business in the United States, until appropriate international business agreements are in place and appropriate international business licenses are negotiated. All power lines and pipelines that cross the border will be disconnected immediately, to be reconnected only when appropriate international contracts, treaties and agreements are in place.

The FAA will no longer operate at your airports, and all air traffic controllers are terminated. All air traffic management over the new independent Texas is your own responsibility, effective immediately. All Federal Civil Service employees in the country of Texas are terminated. All flights between Texas and America are canceled until appropriate international agreements are in place.

The FCC will no longer operate in Texas effective immediately, so you will be responsible for licensing your own telephone, radio, television and Internet providers. All telecommunications circuits between the two countries will be severed immediately, to be reconnected once appropriate international agreements are negotiated.

All US Federal services operating in Texas are terminated and their functions will be relocated to the territory of the United States immediately. Citizens of Texas who were formerly employed by the US Federal Government and wish to continue in their now-relocated jobs may apply for United States green cards through the usual channels.

All payments for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Disability to Texas citizens are halted with immediate effect. Recipients will have to reapply, and Congress will decide if foreigners are allowed to receive payments from the United States government. Any funds coming from the United States federal government will be halted immediately.

Effective immediately, the independent country of Texas will no longer receive protection from the United States military. All military bases in Texas will be closed, and personnel relocated to bases in the United States, except for a contingency left to guard the Texas-US border. Effective immediately, the United States Coast Guard and Immigration and Customs Enforcement will no longer operate in Texas waters, aside from actions specified by International Maritime law and custom. U.S. Customs officials will be removed from all border crossing stations immediately. We suggest you form your own navy and immigration department immediately to protect your borders against foreign invaders, drug smugglers, terrorists and illegal aliens.

Good luck.

Sincerely, Joseph Biden
President, United States of America

P.S. Attached is an invoice for your portion of the bill of the National Debt.

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Dec 28
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I'd forgive a lot of that stuff just to get the fuck rid of that state.


I don't know much about Texas separatism, but I'm a Quebec separatist, and I've heard those kinds of arguments often enough to remember that they cut both ways.

In the case of Texas it would be no loss at all....


Good points to apply to our Sand Gropers when WA next want to secede from the Australian Commonwealth!

FrayedBear Level 9 Dec 28, 2020

They don't want to really leave the USA.....this is just a fantasy.

nicknotes Level 8 Dec 28, 2020

Kick them the fuck out whether they like it or not... let them be an example to the rest of the Republican controlled states....

@TCorCM If we left they would have to double your taxes so you could pay for your own welfare....
"We described the difference as the balance of payments. For example, California's balance of payments is -$13.7 billion. This means California residents get less in return than they pay for. However, Iowa has a balance of payments of $2.5 billion, meaning Iowa residents receive $2.5 billion more in federal services than what they pay in taxes.

The difference per capita means how much the average state resident received in federal services versus what they paid in federal taxes. In California, each resident is sending in $348 more than they get back. In Iowa, each resident is receiving $797 more back in federal services than they paid in taxes.
Michigan of course the balance of payments is over 21 billion each year....


I better marry metalhead222 soon to get my green card! Fuck Texas! Lol

Be careful you don't want to be shot trying to "wetback" the Texas/US border....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I'm Hispanic, I'm already considered a "wet back" anyway! LOL!!!

@MichelleGar1 My granddaughter Celeste is half Hispanic but here in California unless you are a Fuckpublican we don't think that way....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz The city I live in is mostly Hispanic, we're right on the boarder of Mexico and Texas. Some of us will just go back to Mexico, again, fuck Texas!

@MichelleGar1 Why not just move North and give Texass the finger?... After all they are going to be one of the "Shitholes" Trump keeps talking about once the federal money dries up....

@Sierra4 I Love Santa Fe and Taos! That's an idea!

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Sierra4 gave me a good idea! Santa Fe or Taos New Mexico! I also live close to Las Cruces, New Mexico!

@MichelleGar1 All of California is waiting for this to happen so we can deport the Texans that keep moving here...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I have relatives that live in California, they moved there back in the 60's!

@MichelleGar1 Why in the hell would anyone want to live there is what I want to know... Best use I can think of for Texas is a giant penal colony for Klan members, neo-Nazis and other assorted trash. Just let the ones who aren't involved with domestic terrorism out and build a wall around the rest. We can then round up the rest of the trash and dump it over the wall. If they try to get out by boat a few coast guard cutters can solve that problem with a couple of well aimed rounds.... Probably be the first bath some of them have had in a long time...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz The city where I live and I believe Austin, TX. We're not like the rest of Texas! We're more liberal than the rest of the State! I feel bad for the one's who live around all that crap! I wish our part of Texas, far, far West would just become part of New Mexico.

@MichelleGar1 Put it up for a vote in your next election to leave the state of Texas and become a part of New Mexico... I am sure they would welcome the influx of new revenue and electoral votes....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz We just had an election here, it'll have to wait....

@MichelleGar1 Louie "Goomba" Gohmert wants his title as America's dumbest congressman back I see e has filed a lawsuit to overturn the election results naming imaginary "electors" in Arizona saying Mike Ponce can change the election results.... Is the state of Texas a looney bin?...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz That's Texas, don't forget Ted Cruz! Bunch of loonies here!

@MichelleGar1 "Remember the Alamo" they said and look what it got us.... fucking Texas....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz There's a lot of stupid gun toting lunatics here! Lol!!!! Those gun toting lunatics didn't do shit when we had a mass shooting here in August of 2019, they were to scared to be the heroes they think they are!

@MichelleGar1 I have seen some articles about them shooting up the canned goods at their local Walmarts...


please make it so

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