8 8

So @jeshuey has me blocked now for pointing out that being a Libertarian is the same as being a Republican because they are both owned lock stock and barrel by the same crooks... The Koch family...
I find it amusing that an atheist wouldn't be willing to accept the facts instead of his religious beliefs...

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Jan 2
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First of all, this post is perhaps some of the dumbest shit I've come across in ages, and you are truly a fucking moron who needs immediate mental help.

Please define what it means to be libertarian? I bet you can't. You are aware of the fact that American libertarianism originated as a form of leftwing liberalism, right?? Not all libertarians are capitalists either, and could be divided into other categories like anti-state socialists/anarchists/libertarian communists/and libertarian socialists. There is a rather broad spectrum there when it comes to libertarianism. So if you deny the libertarians, you might as well deny liberalism while you're at and embrace progressive fascism.- []

Don't confuse the actual political Party with individual libertarians like me, and it's worth pointing out that all of the major American political parties are being supplied with "dark money" from some questionable sources including your beloved Democratic Party. It's not only Republican politicians who are wealthy, many Democrats these days like Joe Biden and Barack Obama are also filthy rich and use their money to influence others. If John F Kennedy were still alive today, he'd be appalled at what his Party has degenerated into. That progressive left shit is anything but liberal in the purest sense of the word, save for maybe the few social-based issues, as the progressive bunch get regulation and ban happy just like the damn conservatives do when they are against or dislike something. Both control freaks...

Now, to address your asinine memes. The one where it says to change your mind, I'll start with that one. The crude assumption (dare I call it a solid conclusion as it's anything but that) it made is grossly inaccurate. Libertarians believe in helping out others in need and improving living conditions in society, it's just that we don't believe you need the Government to change all of that, and that there might be a better way of improving life for all minus raising taxes drastically and adding to the national debt, along with the wasteful spending that usually goes along with unrestrained budgets. To save me the time have having to explain all the finer details to you here, I'll point to the following sources-


I come from a long line of small business owners, and every one of my family members who owned a thriving business always made sure to give back to their community, in particular around the holidays my Italian maternal grandparents made extra effort to feed the homeless (they owned a sandwich shop). None of them needed the Government or progressive policies to tell them the obvious, and they strived to make a positive impact in society by helping out wherever they could, and did so as soon as they had moved to this country from Italy. If you need the Government or progressive leftwing policies to "guide" you in the right direction where charity and helping to improve society are concerned, then I'm afraid you can't think enough for yourself and lack direction in life.

As for the Oliver Twist meme... wasn't that a workhouse that Twist was supposedly raised in? English workhouses as depicted in that story were run by the Government, usually state and sometimes local authorities. Being you are in agreement with that meme, does that mean then that you acknowledge a Government-run institution was indeed abominable and cockamamie? How ironic is that, you a far-left progressive condemning a Government-run institution. As for the character of Fagin and his band of juvenile pickpockets go, they kinda remind me of modern day Democrats, except that Fagin & company were street thieves while the latter are legalized thieves who rather arbitrarily steal from the citizens in the form of "sin" taxes. Don't feel too bad on that part though, as their Republican buddies love getting their share of tax money too. And curiosity abounds... just exactly what is the Government doing for you mental health wise? You sound just as mentally disturbed as ever, doesn't seem like the Government is concerned about your needs that much. You might want to look into a privately owned veteran's organization like Vets Prevail if you need help that badly.

And now for the last meme, my favorite, as what it depicted truly doesn't get much more asinine and inaccurate as that. Here in Pennsylvania, we've been getting made fun of for years now over the deteriorating conditions of our roads, and people from neighboring states like New York and New Jersey crack jokes about how bad PA roads are to drive on. And that's no lie either, when it comes to our roads here the Penndot workers are inept morons at best and totally uncaring slobs at worst. A road could get patched, and within a few short months potholes could already start to form (again). I'm willing to bet a privatized organization would do a far better job at maintaining our roads than the State workers do currently, and again, keep in mind it's been like that for decades now. Again, to save me some time I'll just leave these sources here-


Your roads meme doesn't constitute reality, not even remotely close. As a bonus, here's another good read about how many people are fleeing the state of California in favor of states like Arizona and Florida, and I wonder why that is? If California is such a paradise that many Democrats claim it is, why are so many of the people living in that state desiring to move to traditionally red states like Florida? By the way, that's from the San Francisco Chronicle, a known left-leaning news source, and them talking that way about their home state is quite telling. That's because in reality California has become a hellhole state to live in, with progressive policies like combating poverty to going easy on hardened criminals and releasing them from prison early to pushing even higher taxes on the citizens failing extraordinarily. Just look at the homelessness problem they have in San francisco, can you really claim that sort of thing is "progress"? You can keep that "paradise" state and shove it, and I'll go with the state(s) that makes an honest effort to strike moderation in all areas.-

In the end, I rather doubt any of that I pointed out above would change your mind, as I suspect you're too bigoted and clueless to actually think deeper on the matter, and it's always far easier to cling to desired beliefs as opposed to reality. I don't believe you're capable of deep thinking like that, change my mind...

Lastly, I'm going to leave you with my favorite atheist personality Penn Jillette, who says things like they are and not as you would wish them to be. He's right you know... there can be much joy in helping others through non-coercive means, and you and your progressive horseshit policies get no moral credit for doing something that is ultimately forced upon all of us. Small wonder why Jeshuey decided to block you, he probably reasonably concluded it wasn't worth risking lowering his IQ down to your level. As for me, by now I'm used to debating angry jackasses online, especially those who go around making crude assumptions and sweeping generalizations about certain groups of people. This libertarian is far removed from being Republican, and proudly so. Republican and Libertarian are no more one in the same than progressives and (real) liberals are. Go get a decent education perhaps, and stop projecting your biases onto others. Then maybe, just maybe, more people might be able to take you and your claims seriously, aside from the brainwashed clowns who already follow you regardless of what you say or do.

Cheers dude.


Are you saying dems don't have any corporate masters? because id beg to differ. any true progressive laughs at people who identify as democrat, republican or libertarian

Tejas Level 8 Mar 25, 2021

Corporate Dems, Republicans, Libertarians and the TEA Party all have the same masters... Anyone who thinks different is a moron...

I certainly agree on the corporate masters part.


There was a case a few years ago of a whole family killed when something similar to meme 3 occurred. []

Small government in inaction....


Secret Republicans and trumpers

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 2, 2021

People who say any group is owned by the Koch family and expect people to take their word for it without proof, really love themselves.

Prove me wrong.

I showed him proof....As you well KNOW FOR A FACT as you commented on the post I am referring to... But then again conservatives always have lived in a magical land of lies and deceit thinking that lowering taxes on billionaires will somehow manage to increase tax revenues... To believe that subtracting money from your income somehow increases what you receive each year requires a special kind of stupid which enables someone to fail 3rd grade math....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Little of what you ever said on line is other than misleading at best.

@Alienbeing Nothing was misleading at all except your spurious claims that it was. Republicans, Libertarians and the TEA party are all three funded by the Koch network through various Koch funded and managed organizations. Most of these organizations also are suspected of accepting money lobbyists that have connections to foreign countries some of which are not friendly powers...
Look into the background of the investigations and you will know this is true but you won't because you have faith in your party of Adolph Hitler and refuse to question where the money comes from or why Mussolini Fascists would go through so much trouble to hide where the money comes from...
Obviously you also failed 3rd grade math or are a blatant liar....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Koch and many others fund politicians they favor. No one needs your approval to contribute to Democrats, Republicans, or any other party. Many rich people fund Democrats and they don't need your approval either. Actually I can't imagine anyone seeking your approval. You feel your way is the only way, and of course you are wrong.

Your remark about how I feel and Hitler only proves your opinion is absurd. I've been an Independent voter forever. I think BOTH major parties are crazy, but both combined are not as crazy as you are.

Your math comment is strange even for you, and that means it is beyond strange.

In closing, you do make misleading statements ALL THE TIME.

@Alienbeing There is a saying in this can't cure stupid... Ask Mitch (Putin's bitch) McConnell after all his constituents just gave his house a new paint job... Pelosi the Republican in drag just got one too...You do love to accuse others of your own vices like lying don't you?...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz What vices do you refer to?

Your feeble attempts so sound as if you know what you are talking about always fail, and they always will fail because you don't know what you are talking about,

@Alienbeing You must love Hitler you share so many of the same opinions...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz You are so moronic

@Lizard_of_Ahaz PLEASE point out when I ever said anthing you posted. Your drugs are affecting you too much.

@Alienbeing Gee look who is talking about being a moron...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz When you have any response that actually relates to anything I said, let me know, meanwhile try to reduce your drug consumption.

@Alienbeing Ok how is this you just tried to justify the wealthiest people in the country destroying it by purchasing corrupt politicians...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I did no such thing. If that is what you got out of anything I typed you TRULY need remedial reading classes.

@Alienbeing You really are that stupid aren't you?...

"Koch and many others fund politicians they favor. No one needs your approval to contribute to Democrats, Republicans, or any other party."

@Alienbeing The rich buying the government has always resulted in fascism...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz If you think your feeble attempts at inslult have any effect on me you are dead wrong. I think you are a mental case, so what you say I don't consider as anything other than rambling from a strange mind.

To specifically reply, what you quoted, CLEARLY refers to you, it means your approval is not needed. It makes no judgement about people who contribute at all. Get it? Your approval is NOT required for anyone to contribute to anything.

@Alienbeing Your mind is pure and simply delusional.... Study some history and stop watch Fox or listening to the other right-wing fake "news" sources...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Actually your mind is delusional, and here is why:

  1. I don't watch FOX and nothing I said even implied I do.
  2. In college my minor was history, and I am positive I know many, many times more history than you do.
  3. I never made any statement about any news being fake. In fact I never mentioned news at all

In view of numbers 1-3 it is obvious your mind thought you read things that simply do no exist. That is the very definition of delusional.

Get mental help quickly. you really need it.

@Alienbeing And your college was accredited by the Southern States Accreditation organization which is really bad when it comes to teaching anything of substance... I have been in classrooms with 3rd years university students from Texas who were failing English here in California community college while complaining they shouldn't need to retake a class they had already had an "A" in Texas....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Since I never mentioned what college I attended, nor what Law School, nor did I mention them in my bio, I point out that you are again obviously delusional because you are reading things that do not exist. However for your information my college, actually a University(Cornell) has been widely recognized as being in the top 10 for longer than you have been alive. My grad school (Wake Forest) has always been recognized as a selective academic institution, and the Law School is usually in the top 20, albiet recently it has fallen to be within the top 50. I am sure you would never be admitted to either. I am also more sure than ever that you need help.

Since all of your replies indicate you are having a conversation with yourself, I'll leave you to yourself.

Get mental help quickly.

@Alienbeing The one who needs mental help is you.... You sound like a Roy Moore supporter...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I see you continue to talk to yourself. I challange you to cite anything I said that sounds like Roy Moore. I actually dispise the guy.

Many things you have said prove you merely belch out whatever runs through your deranged mind. You are really a sick person.

@Alienbeing Yet you still support the party of Adolph Hitler when you vote....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Your ability to make dumb assumptions is amazing! No assumption you've made yet is anywhere near correct. You are so out of it you can't even see you are making a fool of yourself.

Last election I voted for all Democrats except for one local Republican. I guess that means Democrats are followers of Hitler. Who'd of thunk?

Get help quick, you are way past due.

@Alienbeing You only voted for one Nazi?... Oh gee how progressive you are. Meanwhile the GQP is enacting voter suppression laws like the one in Georgia....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Your insight does not exist. Last, who in their right mind would want to be a "Progressive"? Progressive is in quotation marks because those that adopt that label are not progressive at all.

@Alienbeing All that guy does is make jackass statements, and saying he's just moronic would be putting it too mildly.


If you listen to progressive radio, they always say libertarians are republicans who want to have sex and drugs so aren’t anti choice, or pro draconian drug laws. Otherwise they have the same anti government screeds and beliefs as the GOP.


I think many libertarians have more faith in human intentions and ethics than are warranted.

Lorajay Level 9 Jan 2, 2021

Nah they are just cheap fuckers who don't like the idea of paying for what they get... In a store they arrest you and charge you with shoplifting...

They are also really stupid because the people they vote for only lower taxes for billionaires so they end up paying more when they get their own taxes raised... I think he got pissed at me for outing Ron Paul as a career mooch of government pay checks that was so stupid he thought he could put us back on the gold standard and peg the price of gold at $35 an ounce... If we did that the money supply would be less than 8 billion in circulation and the economy would collapse. Why can't conservatives do simple math?...
That would leave an average of $23 per person in the US I know kids who get more than that a week for an allowance...


"Libertarianism, a political movement for people who don't think Americans are greedy enough."

Druvius Level 8 Jan 2, 2021

Gotta love me some Hitch...

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