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The Anger Stage of the Cross

Killtheskyfairy 9 Feb 17
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Much more likely than the way it is recorded

glennlab Level 10 Feb 17, 2021

or at least the way we read it anyway, huh? I mean let's not forget No son of man may die for another's sins is in there too


priceless lol

bbyrd009 Level 7 Feb 17, 2021

don't get me wrong, perpetuates a complete misunderstanding imo, but still funny!


well it was certainly edited to ensure specific points of view so why not exclude that too. thanks for sharing



And then the Roman guard stabbed him with a spear just to shut him the fuck up.

Surfpirate Level 9 Feb 17, 2021

hmm no anger issues there eh

@bbyrd009 if he had just STFU in the first place he wouldn't have been hanging around on a cross in the first place. 😀

@Surfpirate well, No son of man may die for another's sins... so we are prolly discussing at cross-purposes anyway. But you know that the Romans did actually crucify thousands of ppl eh

@bbyrd009 The Romans were quite inventive when it came to dispatching enemies of the empire. Crucifixion was one of the less common methods and typically a simple stake was employed, not a cross, too much work.

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