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How to solve a crisis...

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Mar 20
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& that is exactly what they're doing!

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 20, 2021

Of course it is you didn't expect them to come up with real working ideas did you?...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Completing a wall to secure the border and enforcing the existing immigration laws is a pretty simple plan, but the Dems blocked it, so now we have a mess again at the border.

@BD66 Building a wall is about the stupidest idea anyone could possibly come up with along our border.... Since the border is 1954 miles long it can never be secured by a wall... The Berlin wall was less than 70 miles long, manned 24 hours a day by armed guards with orders to "shoot to kill", was a double wall almost 12 feet high with a mine field between the walls, had contact sensitive wire, and the first day it was breeched and the man escaped. Over the years more than 2,000 people made it across to the West and it bankrupted along with the excessive military funding the USSR...
I hate to inform you but most "illegals" came here with visas like the first hooker did and just overstayed ...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz 2000 people is better than 12,000,000 people isn't it?

@Lizard_of_Ahaz You are right about the problem of people overstaying their visas.

@BD66 So obviously you never heard of a tunnel either right?... How about a self funding solution instead?... People who want a work visa can apply and pay $5,000 to process background checks, health exams and vaccinations, with all paperwork including ID cards or drivers licenses. If they can't find a job within a year they must return to their country of origin. If they are successful they can after 5 years renew their visas for $2,000 and after 10 years apply for citizenship. This is less money than hiring a coyote to smuggle them into the country and safer for everyone.
The only reason we have a shortage of jobs here is the upper tier tax rate is so low for corporations they hoard the money instead of paying a living wage to Americans and move jobs outside the country in addition to refusing to pass on dividends to the investors like they should. What we need is a change in the way taxes are collected because billionaires are refusing to pay the small amount they are being charged which is what is running up the debt. Trumps tax scam added over 4 Trillion dollars to the national debt and people like you supported that in addition to letting big corporations cheat you out of the money they own you for investing in their stocks...

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