5 13

Not stupid, but incredibly gullible.

jeshuey 8 Apr 9
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A little wordy - the chances of the #religulous reading this are slim...but it's a good post!

Robecology Level 9 Apr 12, 2021

Not one mention, ever, of the Incredibly Powerful feeling of "community" one gets in church! Until that is acknowledged & replaced by something, religion will continue to have incredible Power!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Apr 10, 2021

Hi Anne -- Alternative communities are everywhere in the U.S. From book clubs to VFWs, to political organizations, to sports leagues, and on and on. If such community was really necessary church membership and attendance wouldn't be dropping year after year.

@jeshuey not true! The true "high" one gets while "united in praise" is
Not the same as a meeting of my beloved Sherlock Holmes discussion group!
It is enthralling & incredibly seductive, at age 11 at Bible Summer Camp i encountered it & although staunchly atheist, for my entire adult life, it's Never to be forgotten once felt......


Gullibility may provide a convenient pejorative, but dissect the factors:

  1. Social, job, peer and family pressure;
  2. The effectiveness of the religious narrative disparaging competing world views;
  3. Insecurity brought on by decades of religious propaganda and sexual inhibition/denunciation;
  4. Religions recruiting aggressive bullies to intimidate any who stray;
  5. By example, ruining those that stray with excommunication and shunning;
  6. Assorted methods of brainwashing rituals required at life event gatherings.
  7. Activism wherein people are pressured to be loyal regarding social, political or behavioral issues, such as abortion and birth control services.
racocn8 Level 9 Apr 9, 2021

Your list are reasons to not be an out-Atheist, not reasons for believing. I'll stand by my "pejorative".


Band wagon fallacy in action.


Folies en masse.

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