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So it seems Mir-a-Lago is trending on Twitter because people are hoping that out of control Chinese rocket lands on it while Trump is still there....

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 May 8
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Crap they missed and it landed in the Indian Ocean.... Can't the Chinese do ANYTHING right?....


Bored and lonely, nobody to do his hair and orange tanning paint jobs. No twitter, facebook, or other social interaction. His website only allows him to send, but not chat. His neighbors don't really like him. Rudy and his other followers want money from him. New York is auditing his tax records. The Department of Justice is arresting all his riot boys and getting info to use against him. Biden has been reversing all the crap he started.

OldGoat43 Level 9 May 8, 2021

Well, if not great at least status quo. I'll take that for now, after the shit-show we just went thru!


I would pay real money to dominate him.

racocn8 Level 9 May 8, 2021

From what I have heard he pays people for that...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz i would be curious to know just how many lawsuits he has outstanding. Is he really that untouchable? Maybe he'll get the Forrestal treatment...?

@racocn8 Between civil and criminal he is facing not only life in prison but bankruptcy as well and it looks like his entire family is going with him...

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