@BoxDoc I can't find anything that documents this. Could you elaborate your points with links or evidence
More stupidity from the far Reich....
And exactly what part is not true?
@Boxdoc You mean about the AZ fraudit?.....
The arizona case was after the election had been certified and the "audit" was at best a waste of money, The Ca case was because the signature gathering company has a history of faking petitions. Look at your case law.
"At best a waste of time" ???
In 2016 the Democrats lost and investigated for over 3 years. In 2020 the Democrats won and shut down all investigations in 3 weeks. Something Stinks.
As for a history of faking petitions. Maybe so, but the Democrats have a long history of questionable vote counts. Study some history.
@Boxdoc I said waste of money, In 2016 Clinton conceded the day after the election, so I have no idea where you are getting 3 years. The normal election p[rocess is
election..... first Tuesday in November
election is cetrified.....Dec 14
electoral college Votes...Dec14
vote is certified by the VP and both houses...First monday after the new congress is sworn in
The republicans were still trying to overturn the election and EVERY court found they had NO PROOF even after Jan 6. Once the vote has been certified, the election is over, once the congress has certified, there is nothing anyone can do to overturn the election.
It looks like the republicans are the snowflakes that can't accept the outcome of elections. Lawsuits need to be filed before an election is certified.
I have stuidied way more history than you apparently have with your massive generalizations with no facts to back them up and comparing totally unrelated events to make a meaninless point.
Where is your proof that all investigations were shut down. Trump was still in charge until Jan 20. so anything you think happened happened on his watch. Take a government course.
Just as MI petition got thrown out.
Has this been fact checked?
Why do you ask?
@Alienbeing . In this day of fake-ness and bullshit it's obvious. Everything should be fact checked.
@OldGoat43 Are you saying you know the post is false?
@Alienbeing . Are you trying to put words in my mouth?
@OldGoat43 Obvioulsy NOT! Do you or don't you? Is that a hard question?
@Alienbeing . I don't feel the need to answer for my skepticism. You figure it out.
@OldGoat43 By avoiding simple questions you show you are hiding something.
Just as I thought.
You know he never fact checks anything he gets his news from "Q"...
@Alienbeing where do you get off answering like that??!!! He asked a Very reasonable question! Smart-alecks, ain't!
@Lizard_of_Ahaz That is a load of Bull. In fact I don't even know where "Q" is accessable.. So much for your insight.
I DARE you to illustrate anything I ever posted that could pssibly have come from "Q". Your comment shows true prejudice, which for your edification means you prejudged.
@AnneWimsey It should be obvious to you why I did it, however i'll spell it out.
The guy doesn't agree, so he wants to impeach the story. When confroted, he avoids an answer as it would prove his intent. All that is obvious.
@Alienbeing Try OAN, Fox, Breitbart and every single Republican political hack out there these days.... As for your challenge that took less then a minute these are all based on GQP talking points from cranks like Greene and others who are closely aligned with that movement and were a part of Trump's failed and pathetic attempt to overthrow the country...
@Alienbeing Oh and FYI since you demonstrate complete ignorance of what a "Assault Rifle" really is the only differences between an AR-15 and the M-16A1 is the stamping on their receivers and the AR-15 lacks the selective fire sear which up until the ATF banned the open sale of was freely available by mail order. It takes less than 5 minutes to replace the sear and you have an Assault Rifle. Of course there are other methods of converting any Armourlite rifle as well as other models of firearms with high capacity magazines to full or burst fire functions which include the ever popular "bump stocks" which are now also outlawed under protest from the Russian funded NRA and the GQP that can easily turn these weapons into what can be classified as an "Assault Rifle" There is no need for any rifle or pistol to have a high capacity magazine other than being a wannabe if you like firing one join the military like I did don't be a play soldier on Meal Team six.
If you really feel so unsafe where you live you need body armour and enough firepower to fight a war to go shopping or a restaurant then maybe it is time you moved some place safer like Iraq or Afghanistan...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz A poor attempt at changing the subject. You said "ou know he never fact checks anything he gets his news from "Q"... That is copied from your post. I replied " DARE you to illustrate anything I ever posted that could pssibly have come from "Q".
NONE, repeat NONE of your examples come from Q.
I never said or implied I didn't have Conservative leaning viewpoints.
When you can come up with something actually from Q, let me know. Until them I repeat, your post was bullshit.
@Lizard_of_Ahaz I am delighted to see it is actually YOU who does not know what an Assualt Rifle is, yet cannot wait to display your ignornace.
An Assualt Rifle is a fully automatic rifle, NOT a semi-automatic. Clip capacity does not modify that fact. Assualt rifles were originally developed and used by Nazi Germany then quickly adopted by other countries. I had one is Viet Nam. They are used to lay down massive amounts of firepower while an infantry unit ASSUALTS an enemy position.
Since the AR-15 is NOT a fully automatic, it is NOT an assualt rifle, irrespective of what you say.
Your reference to bump stocks is irrelevant because it is an addition, not part of the AR-15. Additionally it is now illegal.
The remainder of your post regarding rifles is apparantly there to satisfy your need to expound on matters you don't really seem to know that much about.
By they way, I don't even own a firearm, so your obvious assumption that I own firearms and might even feel a need for body armour shows exacty what I said perviously, YOU make prejudicial assumptions, YOU prejudge.
Last I am not a Republican, and I was always opposed to Trump. I thought I'd ad that to save you a rant on Republicans, &/or Trump.
P.S. Once again cite anything I posted that came from Qanon or apologize.
@Alienbeing Thanks for your condescending and arrogant yet pathetic display of attempting to disprove me by admitting I was correct.... Tell you what John Wayne... take down 6 M-16s and 6 AR-15s and I mean a full armoury strip then place all 12 sets of parts into a big box and shake them all up and reassemble them.... How many AR-15s are going to be semi-auto when you are done?... Sounds like you spent your tour as a Chaplin's clerk.
@Lizard_of_Ahaz You are in love with yourself, but that gives you no credence. The mere fact that weapons share parts is totally irrelevant to the FACT that an assualt Rifle is ALWAYS fully automatic.
Your John Wayne reference is based on what other than your slanted mind? I don't ride horses, I own no weapons, and frankly I am not a big Western movie fan. You attempts are feeble.
While I was in Viet Nam I was a Navigator on an AC-130. I doubt you know what that is.
The easily recognizable fact is that nothing in your most recent reply even came close to correcting I said.
When you can prove any of your ramblings, let me know.
@Alienbeing Oh so you were a backseat driver? Yeah I know what kind of aircraft that was... I was Squadron level Avionics repair for Helos in the Marines. Cobras, Heuys, Bodybags and 53s... But I bet you don't know what they were... Didn't work on the fixed wings myself. Oh and news flash they are not "always fully automatic" thank you for displaying your ignorance openly there... Assault rifles are capably of fully, burst, or semi-auto fire....
"The term assault weapon is used in the United States to define some types of firearms.[1] The definition varies among regulating jurisdictions but usually includes semi-automatic firearms with a detachable magazine, a pistol grip and sometimes other features such as a vertical forward grip, flash suppressor or barrel shroud.[1][2] Some firearms are specified by name.[3] At the time that the now-defunct Federal Assault Weapons Ban passed in 1994, the U.S. Department of Justice said, "In general, assault weapons are semiautomatic firearms with a large magazine of ammunition that were designed and configured for rapid fire and combat use."[3] The origin of the term has been attributed to legislators, gun control groups, firearm manufacturers, and the media.[1][4][5][6][7] It is often used interchangeably (but incorrectly) with the term "assault rifle", which may more specifically refer to selective-fire military rifles that can fire in automatic or burst mode.[5]"
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Ahh once again you show you love to expound on thing of which you have no knowledge at all.
We all know that Assualt weapons have a selector switch so one can choose fully automatic or semi-automatic, and some allow three shot bursts. That is totally irrelevant to the FACT that ALL assualt weapons are fully automatic, and to ward off any more of your feeble attempt at word twisting, capable of fully automatic fire. Try selling an AR-15 to the military as an assualt rifle. For each successful sale I'll give you double what the military paid you. Your twisting only shows you want to squirm out of a lie.
As for your moronic quip about knowledge or lack thereof about Cobras, Heuys, etc, anyone who reads much knows what they are, but the more telling part of you post is you continue to avoid the fact that you never backed up your original statement which said I got my news from Q.
The only attempt you made was to refer posts I made regarding gun control which expressed my opinion about how to approach the issue and certainly had nothing to do with Q. A very poor showing.
Your definition of assualt rife is the one shared by leftists who frequently indulge in redefining words vis-a-vis 1984. The fact remains assualt weapons were designed for assualts by infintry, hence the term ASSUALT, and were and remain fully automatic. You and your clan can seek to redfine all you want to, but facts remain. I bet you think infrastructure includes child care, don't you?
You have proven you are nothing but a sloganeer with nothing to say.
Go make more KoolAid, you need it.
Next time try to stay on topic, you attempts to change the subject are obvious and childish.
@Alienbeing The only feeble ones here are you Reich-wingers... You are so feeble minded you vote for theocratic and bunglers in a childish desire to promote agendas of an imagined "glorious heritage" that actually never existed.
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Once again you express an unfounded opinion and avoid backing up anything you said. Above all you once again prove all you are is a sloganeer.
You provided the most pityful exchange I ever saw.
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsGive yourself credit.
Posted by backtobasicsFollow the money, it leads to the truth.
Posted by backtobasicsI don't care, do you? When they can start proving one of their tales is true, maybe, just maybe, I'll listen.
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Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
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Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.