In all seriousness, as we approach two years of this crap the more sympathy I feel for ICU staffs who’ve witnessed so much suffering and death. They are the ones who will, in all likelihood, suffer PTSD years from now. The very sound of heart monitors and ventilator pumps must be enough to trigger the memories of patients who lost their battle with Covid.
I’m just grateful that I live in a region where people in the urban areas of Sacramento and the San Francisco Bay Area took social distancing and mask mandates to heart. ICU beds were, for the most part, never beyond capacity. This is a particularly sensitive topic for me as we nearly lost my mother to a pulmonary embolism during the third wave of the pandemic. The ambulance got her to the nearest hospital with ICU beds with ventilators and she pulled through it all. Had all the ICU wards been filled with Covid patients, as was the case in Southern California and other parts of the country, my mother would not have survived, as her heart stopped (and she was defibrillated) twice until they got her on a ventilator. Makes me wonder how many others were not so lucky.
@OldMetalHead Agreed! The anti-VAXers and anti-mask mandate people seem to think that they have a right to contract and freely spread a deadly disease. Where do these people get off on this attitude? Where is their sense of responsibility for their fellow citizens? Imagine if this attitude were applied to a deadly STD, like HIV! Oh, that’s right, it has … it’s called assault and charges have been filed against people who have spread their disease!
@OldMetalHead I remember this one. She wasn’t sick (physically, that is), just wanted to make a scene.
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.