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Something is wrong. I can feel it.

OldMetalHead 9 Dec 19
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Long pork, the other white meat

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 20, 2021

Human, the new white meat? Mmm! Tastes like chicken!


Having a friend for dinner?


Eat the rich.

racocn8 Level 9 Dec 19, 2021

Pandas are vegan, and damned near extinct.

Many non human farmed animals are in danger, except deer and boars and coyotes.

@Beowulfsfriend Crows are doing well, omnivores as they are.

@Willow_Wisp The ones doing best have learned to live in the cities and suburbs - except boars 🐗 which just reproduce more rapidly (most are mixed with animals that were originally human bred, and, so, lots of babies).
Crows are really smart too.

@Beowulfsfriend Scary smart . Particularly the one that comes and sits on my fence every morning after 0830 and b4 0900. I have watching him for over two years bcz he is watching me ! I have neighbors watch for me too ! Bcz he comes just b4 I park my car when back from work , and sits there and waits for me .
Never on my days off when I am home .
I used to be so scared of him , I don’t know y , he just looks at me like he hates my guts .
Also , my tea cup weights 1.4 in a good day …
But now , I am not scared of him anymore . He kinda seals the day , I look for him , and I even wave at him .
Recently he started moving his head and opens wings to me when I wave .
Either I got a new best friend , either , if I dissapear from here , this guy got me dead some how 😂

@Pralina1 Leave him some peanuts and you'll become part of his murder.... a murder is a flock of crows, but crows don't flock, they travel in murders.
Give it unsalted roasted peanuts in shell.
It'll love it, and it'll love you.

@Willow_Wisp I am going to do Tuesday morning ! Thank u !

@Willow_Wisp Crows are very intelligent, can be very helpful if you befriend them

@bobwjr I have already. My crows have names, and weird little personalities, they're song birds, goth song birds.

@Willow_Wisp My aunt raised one from a baby, was a awesome pet

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