Uranus is an odd planet with a funny name. Scientists have found that it spins on an unusual axis, which means that its magnetic field is like a door that opens and closes. In short, every 17 hours, Uranus leaks gas.
(Everyone here on earth leaks gas from their anus almost every hour, so technically every human is a planet full of gas.)
There are a number odd things about the planet
Firstly it is the only one NOT named after a Roman god Uranus or Ouranos is an ancient primordial Greek Titan who holds up the dome of the sky, similar to that later Atlas or the Roman god Caelum.
Its single ring orbits pole to pole rather than an equatorial orbit as they do around Saturn.
It has 27 moon some of which orbit ridiculous close to the surface of the planet and again unlike almost every other moon in the solar system they are not named for ancient roman gods and deities but for Shakespeare characters and two for characters from the poems of Pope.
Uranus is the 3rd largest planet in the solar system but is second lightest, indicating it is an ice giant, with a surface made of frozen gasses, mainly hydrogen and helium, making it the coldest planet in our system, far colder than even the recently demoted Pluto.
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.