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Time to step it up.

glennlab 10 Nov 22
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Spongebob Level 7 Nov 23, 2022

I think he's spread a little to thin. He's trying to do too much. But if you read his story...that's how he's always been.

I love Teslas I've been an owner since early 2013 and investor.

I don't like his strategy for going to Mars...but I do like his recycleable rockets...and he was in to SpaceX in '08, got in to Tesla in 09.

Robecology Level 9 Nov 22, 2022

I didn't realize how negative Musk is while he was so busy creating wonderful new technologies.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Nov 22, 2022

I doubt he invented a single technology that some other nerd didn't have planned out 35-40 years ago but never had the time, connection, resources, or education to pull it off. We were speculating on cost effective batteries and electric vehicles in the 1970's in school.
Elon isn't particularly clever, he's just privileged enough to be able to hire all the guys that want to see it done and have invested decades of thought into it already then takes their credit, not necessarily in a hostile manner, maybe the way Steve Jobs stole credit for the Apple II computer even though it was Wozniak who was the computer genius, not Jobs.
Jobs and Elon are more about marketing, Jobs was good at marketing to the public, the free market, while Elon gets the Government to fund projects and support companies like Space X that have no hope whatever of ever turning a profit while promising they will, which makes him a liar and a charlatan. You can't willingly over hype that way, but Elon did and lost 44 billion over it, yet you still trust him.

@Willow_Wisp . Back in 1995 he founded an online local business directory called Zip2, which was bought by Compaq Computer Corp in 1999 for $307 million.

@OldGoat43 The guy that wrote zip1 Phil Katz was a picture of fractal mental health as well.

The first electric car was in 1881. If it hadn't been for WW1, they might have remained a threat to ICE vehicles, but gasoline was cheap and batteries couldn't go quite far enough.


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