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October's PSA

glennlab 10 Oct 14
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Yes, and when you do it make sure they do not put you through the "tit wringer" as they test you. Some of these machines can actually cause breast cancer. I once worked with a woman who was told she had breast cancer and they wanted to remove a big part of her breast. I talked to her and she told them to simply extract the lump. No more, no less. She's alive today and doing fine without anything radical being done to her.

DenoPenno Level 9 Oct 14, 2024

If they find one little spot of growth on me, I want a 365 degree 3-foot crater around the area, and chemo and radiation starting Yesterday....I have had too many friends go the "kinder gentler route" and 5 reoccurrences and 8 years of horrible stress and suffering later just say No to anything more, after ditching the "kinder gentler" BS after the third reoccurance. EF that!

@annewimsey500 My oldest daughter is now a permanent stage 4 on cancer as they opted to keep her breast cancer intact for a year and watch it that way instead of removing it when they found it. This was a choice but I think she was used as a guinea pig.

@DenoPenno this Sucks!!!!



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