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All of Us are Crazy!

raptor28 7 June 8
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That's what a loser would say!

LEPeff Level 8 June 8, 2018

But I still win.

Vickylyn Level 6 June 8, 2018

No you don't. I win more. 😛

@Mofferatu not a chance. ?

@Vickylyn haha. I went to reply to you but after pounding my chest with my fists, throwing my laptop out the window, stomping on my phone, and singing the entirety of "we are the champions", all in reply to your challenge, I realised I had no way of replying. So, I started a fire so I could communicate with my neighbor via smoke signals to ask if I could go over to borrow his phone. Unfortunately, him being indoors meant that he didn't see my communication. Lucky for me, his window was open, so I tossed some of the hot coals into his bedroom. The fire department is still trying to get the blaze under control but I was able to get his cellphone to reply to you. So, all in all, success.

Now, what was I going to reply?
Oh that's right....
"No! I'm winning the crazy sweepstakes, not you!"

@Mofferatu I still have Christmas decorations up.

@Mofferatu and, when it was 80 here the other day I got hot coffee at Starbucks and drank it outside!

@Vickylyn Mid-year (or for us, mid-winter) Christmas!
I like your humour BTW.

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