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no good deed goes unpunished.

glennlab 10 Aug 3
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That is a FALSE story.
Plastic straws are being banned in many places because of environmental reasons.
They have NOT been banned in Hollywood, CA.
Including the New York Times banner doesn't guarantee the meme's veracity.

KKGator Level 9 Aug 3, 2018

Yeah, I think you can still bring your own straw...

@Carin Straws are still available in most places. I'm not sure what you're talking about. Bringing one's own straw has not been banned anywhere.

I've yet to find anything confirming the alleged invention of the drug-detecting straws. By anyone.

@KKGator Yes that is my point. Some people with disabilities require straws. It won't be illegal to own a straw.

don't you recognize sarcasm? Memes don't have to be true to be funny.

@glennlab I am well versed in sarcasm, thank you. However, with the proliferation of false information being disseminated, I am always fact-checking everything. If you look through the other comments, you will see that some others took it seriously, as well.

@KKGator neither statement is true, they take advantage of the perception that Hollywood is populated by predators and that if someone invented a way to protect yourself, it would be quickly legislated against. Similar to the new birth control method invented by the severe tire damage spikes inventor. This is a meme group, not a news site.


What a shame that women can't even go out & have a good time without taking all sorts of precautions that men would never even think about.

Carin Level 8 Aug 3, 2018

direct correlation!

No. Not even a factual story. So, NO correlation to anything.

@KKGator a silly post in a silly group should always be taken seriously

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