4 6

Call it what it is: Child abuse.

Snickers77 8 Aug 27
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Unfortunately, during adulthood, it is impossible to avoid the influence on the child. Parents, the environment, and the school will, in any case, instill some habits and teach something new. It's hard to say where the abuse starts and where the upbringing occurs. However, I agree that religion generally has a bad effect on people and only divides them.
Therefore, a parent should cultivate critical thinking in a child and look for games that provide both entertainments for you and your children. Much in the life of the future generation depends on us. I believe that if we want, we can raise children who will prevent wars and boost the economy.

csaqwer Level 2 July 5, 2022

"Give me a child until the age of 9 & he is forever mine."
Adolf Hitler

Mooolah Level 8 Aug 27, 2018

Religion, politics forcing any belief on a child is wrong.

nikkir Level 7 Aug 27, 2018

Been saying that for years.

KKGator Level 9 Aug 27, 2018
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