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Careful what you wish for

Captnron59 9 Sep 2
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He could of taken him out before he went.

Rudy1962 Level 9 Sep 2, 2018

OMG! That’s awesomely awful! ??


I gained loads of respect for McCain and George W for calling him out!


Now if I could just wake up from this fucking nightmare!

For days after the election, I wake up every morning thinking it was a bad dream. I'm not joking. Then I check the news, and... FUCKKKKKK!

@TheGreatShadow many of my friends were in tears and others depressed. My anger, I sublimated into daily Facebook posts about this asshole. I have not let up. We lost so much in one terrible day.

@Happyonearth I hear you! When I provide articles that disprove him, I get called names by some very long-time friends! Several have deleted me on FB. I hate to loose a friend because of a debate, but whatever. That's why I'm hardly on FB. The propaganda is ridiculous. I live in a community that mostly supports him! I'm the outcast! We have been dealing with this for 8+ years with the Obama admin! They can't take it themselves!? Only a few days or so I went to a gas station. There were flyers saying Obama broke his promise about not increasing taxes. That was for tobacco. Not a direct tax, but a sin tax. If you have a business, keep politics out! Unless your business is politics...

@TheGreatShadow similar experiences. I feel like I'm living in a different. World than trump supporters. Obama was reasoned, articulate, courteous, respectful, smart as hell. trump is none of those. Wtf. Hiliary is a bright, energetic, articulate, some what arrogant (some would say justifiably so) woman who is just bad at interacting with folks not as bright as she is and it cost her dearly. And we don't have any Republicans, not one with the balls or ovaries to repudiate the numerous lies, distractions, guy wrenching anti democratic, anti environment, anti human actions of the monster stalking the United States.


Oh that Buddy Christ is such a scamp.

Umbral Level 8 Sep 2, 2018

Yeah but it doesn't solve the problem for the rest of us.

glennlab Level 10 Sep 2, 2018

Yeah, he's off the hook now.

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