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Yes this is my vehicle. I put the decal on the back because the car draws wayyyyyyy too much attention. One time near Miami I was on the interstate. Another car went to pass me. When we were neck and neck the guy laid on the horn, and everyone gave me the thumbs up. Another time a gal followed me for a few miles to a gas station to take a picture.

TheGreatShadow 9 Sep 24
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Why does it draw so much attention, because it looks like an undercover cop car?

zorialoki Level 8 Sep 24, 2018

No, because it IS an old police vehicle. If you look closely at the pic, the spot light on there (they don't take them off because you have to drill a hole to install them). The Go Rhino bumper I put on didn't help either. I worked for FoMoCo as a mechanic, and I built these vehicles for the Omaha Police Department. I'v very familiar with them. They are very dependable, parts usually aren't too much, and they usually have whatever you need in stock. The police know I am not police (nor do I pretend to be one). People that aren't police think I am one. I looked in my rear view and see people slam on their brakes all the time! Once I was doing 60 in a 60. Someone was doing like 40. I wasn't on their ass, but they pulled over and threw on their hazards! This happens a lot. I asked the guy why he was selling it. He said it draws too much attention. He wasn't kidding.

@TheGreatShadow My parents had a 66 Dodge station wagon that happened to be painted like Albuq. PD at the time and had a chrome luggage rack, it got much the same response.

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