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“OK Dems? That didn’t work. What do we try next?”

MountainBound 5 Sep 28
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Why don't you leave your bullshit posts on the conservative site. They loves those ignorant lies. All you tRumpanzies are doing is advertising just how stupid you are.

She passed a lie detector test and you lying punk rapist was crying after two minuets of cross examination.

Eirteacher Level 7 Sep 29, 2018

In 1942 while GHW (Poppy) Bush was in boot camp training to go fight in WWII, his father, Prescott Bush, and his maternal grandfather, George Herbert Walker, were financing and arming Hitler. This is a matter of public record since they were convicted of trading with the enemy. Those are Republican family values.

Dems don't do that.

mcgeo52 Level 8 Sep 28, 2018

@MountainBound, I am an independent, but I will not vote for anyone in a party led by a con artist, idiot, traitor.



KKGator Level 9 Sep 28, 2018

So off base.

phxbillcee Level 10 Sep 28, 2018

@MountainBound Honestly, do you think the republicans give two shits about what happens to either Ford OR Kavanaugh?
If he goes by the wayside, they've got a list of other nominees who will give them what they want.

Don't act like this game of theirs is one-sided. The republicans flat-out refused to even interview Merrick Garland with an entire year before the election. They're every bit the hypocrites you're trying to portray the democrats as being. Don't try to take some "moral high ground" here. You don't have a leg to stand on. They want a conservative on the High Court. Period. Don't even act like this isn't ALL partisan bullshit.
You are being completely disingenuous.

@MountainBound I didn't assume you were anything. I didn't even imply it. I was simply pointing out the hypocrisy of the meme you posted.
I didn't claim a side, either. Now who's assuming?
I'm not on a horse (high or otherwise), and I get to say any goddamned thing I please. It's a stupid fucking meme.

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