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This is an interesting tweet from John McAfee...

ballou 8 Oct 4
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Oh. Well in that case, "Donald, if you are listening, fuck off you narcissistic and ignorant piece of crap!"

Rudy1962 Level 9 Oct 4, 2018

I know McAfee is a lot of things, not all of them favorable.
However, I'm inclined to believe him on this.

I don't like that access to my phone is that easy to have. I've never been a fan
of cell phones. I resisted getting one for a long time. And people can call me whatever the fuck they please, but it was precisely for this kind of thing.
I don't like this shit at all. Not even a little bit.

KKGator Level 9 Oct 4, 2018

Ya, I think I'll be leaving mine at home more often now and thinking more about when it's close by.

State and Federal agencies have always had access to the E911 chip installed on all phones. While yes this can be quite disturbing, and questions into the guarantee of privacy are no doubt valid. The main purpose of this chip is for emergency calls, say you call the police and drop your phone in an altercation; or call for an ambulance and go unconscious from the pain. This chip can help authorities track, and eventually reach your location. If you're concerned that much of privacy, and have joined here, facebook, twitter, youtube, gmail, or a plethora of mobile games/apps then you've been more than 'compromised' already. Read up on what rights any program or application demands "requires" and you'd be surprised how many want access to location, contacts, etc..

The point is, that privacy online is mostly a fallacy at best.

@BeardedWonder I know, and I don't like any of that either.


Man. I do not buy into conspiracy theories, but this is something I'm going to look into because it sounds plausible.

Scary shit considering who you got for a president and the religious nuttbars backing him all the way.

That said didn't this guy lose his shit a while back?

Umbral Level 8 Oct 4, 2018

I'm not sure about McAfee's background. I just know that he knows a lot about cyber security.

McAfee did indeed lose his shit a while back. Here's a link; enjoy the read! 🙂


@BeardedWonder oh oh, down a rabbit hole I go ...

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