I'll laugh now while I can (my Mom is 89 the holes in the sieve seem to be growing)
Aw, sorry Bill
@Livinlife She's relatively healthy otherwise, so you play the hand you're dealt. I'm the primary caregiver, & see the slipping every day. We make do.
@phxbillcee I'm glad you're able to be there for her.
@Livinlife Me, too! & it helps me learn patience, tho that is a work in progress. I do sincerely try.
@phxbillcee it's a tough position. So give yourself some slack.
@Livinlife I'm glad I have friends here, I wish I had someone closer. I have a few good folk nearby, but we've just grown apart recently. & I know some of that was me, I tend to isolate. But it seems all of us have drifted. & I have been getting more & more...not desperate, but starving for real contact in the last few months. Shit, I ought to delete this, but ...fuck it. Throw darts, y'all! I don't think I have a fuck to give any more.
@Livinlife Sorry to spoil your funny meme.
@phxbillcee it's cool. Sometimes venting helps. No worries. Vent anytime
@Livinlife I believe I said the same thing to you not that long ago!
@phxbillcee you did, and thanks!
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