That's when I get my best sleep.
Something about knowing you have to get up makes sleeping all the more appealing
Oh, I learned better than that years ago. Alarm clock got moved across the room so that I had to get up & walk to turn it off!
99 percent of the time my bladder now wakes me up before the alarm
@Rudy1962 Multiple times!
@Rudy1962 Yes!!!
My freaking bladder can wake me up several times a night, but not in the morning... Would be great if I could sleep through the night and be woken up naturally (bladderally?) in the morning.
As it is, I have an alarm clock across the room and a back-up alarm on my phone.
Still late to work.
Mornings are hard.
@scurry I see what you did there. Lol
@Science-guy Getting older has its drawbacks
@Rudy1962 Being older (76) and having 3rd stage kidney disease requires me to re-hydrate after each voiding to prevent the formation of stones, so about every two to three hours, day and night. At least I still can.
@Rudy1962 agreed. Lol
@dartagnan6666 that has to be tough
@Science-guy Your method is sound and I've learned to limit intake of many things after a certain time
of day; caffeine is a good example. (although knowing and doing are 2 different things. LOL)
Unfortunately, I tend to dehydrate easily (yes, I've seen a doctor) and nights are particularly difficult. I drink lots during the day (not alcohol... well, not always), and try to limit during evenings and night, but I can't eliminate it completely, much to my chagrin. :/
Ah well - at least I can still get up and "do the deed".
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