18 22

{Warning! This is not a meme!!! (LOL!)}
I just hit Level 9.5 (600K points)! Kind of a milestone. Only 400K 'til Level 10! Wish me luck!

phxbillcee 10 Feb 13
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Awesome! You can be the first to reach it! Then what will happen?

I think I finally break free of the Matrix!


I pinned this post BTW....




Thanks, partner o' mine!!!

@phxbillcee You're welcome partner!


Congrats Bill!

Livinlife Level 9 Feb 13, 2019

Thank you, dear!


Don't put it on your resume.

Not to worry, doubt I'll be filling out another at this point.

@phxbillcee In that case, I won't be forwarding you this job application as bunny tester at a Nevada bunny ranch. It's a hard job and thankfully, someone else does it.

@WonderWartHog99 A "hard" job, indeed!


Holy crap!!!

Rudy1962 Level 9 Feb 13, 2019

I guarantee you that my excrement is not blessed!

@phxbillcee No but I've heard that once people reach level 10 their shit doesn't stink


Good going... I don't think I can catch up to you lol
Too big of a head start! If I were here at the beginning, I'd already be level 10!

Maybe. I was late to start my own Groups, which definitely helps, so I got a good bit of the way "solo", so to speak. No, you won't "catch up", let's see if you can "keep up"! I'm a Postin' SOB!


Good luck

Thank you!

@phxbillcee you're welcome


Remember Bill it's the journey and not the destination.

JazznBlues Level 8 Feb 13, 2019

I'm enjoying the trip, bro!

@phxbillcee I think I'd have a little anxiety at the very end. Maybe they'll add on 5 more levels to keep it competitive...



Thanks, bro!


You go wildman.. I know you can do it. 🙂 high five to you!

Thank you, beautiful!


&, as a statement for those who are NOT happy for me, or may be sour-grapes, I "earned" my Points! I Host two Groups & help Mod one of the busiest Groups on the Site (here). I have 9500 Posts (with 34953 "likes" ) & 17,730 Comments (with 38303 "likes" ). Anybody else have numbers even close? I do have an "advantage", if you want to call it that,...I'm on disability, so I have the time, but, I love this Site, for all the protesting I do about things I see as wrong. (Just as happens with my Country!). I love to share things I find interesting & hope others find them so also. So, be happy for me!

phxbillcee Level 10 Feb 13, 2019

Amazing. I remember when you were first scurrying to be the first niner as I think of it "Chief Pooh Bear". I'm still struggling so can understand your elation at getting to 9.5 - well done Bill it takes a lot of commitment and I'm pleased if it is keeping you healthy, at peace and continuously fulfilled. I look forward to your announcement that you have made it to " Grand Chief Pooh Bear".

@FrayedBear Thank you, hopefully, you won't have to wait too long!

@phxbillcee I ceased chasing when I got to 8.

@FrayedBear Not chasing. The Points just come as I do what I do. Just a fun diversion.

@phxbillcee You obviously move in more productive groups.


Holding my thumbs for you



Good for you. I hope to be were you are later this century.

freedom41 Level 9 Feb 13, 2019

Not at all. I will reach Level 10 well before the end of this year, barring a major medical situation or being booted from the Site for rocking the boat! Either is a possibility!

Just keep doing what you're doing, it comes easier that way!

@phxbillcee My guessimit for level 8 late April to early May. Joining this group has helped a lot. This group is good for a giggle or 2 and might learn something along the way.


Admit it...your obsessed ????

Not really. I would do what I do with or without the points, but, since they're there, it's fun to play with!

I WILL be the first Level 10, tho, just as I was the first Level 9!

@phxbillcee just out of curiosity(and I seriously do it I'll ever reach 9 let alone 10...what do you get at level 10?

@phoenixone1 eternal life....



ejbman Level 7 Feb 13, 2019



well done!

Thanks, bro!

@phxbillcee how long have yo been active on this site?

@bookofmoron 12/23/17


Good for you Bill! You are an inspiration to us all.

I blush (as I look for the hidden snark!)

@phxbillcee not this time buddy. No snark. Usually though.

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