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Now touring the North Eastern US....

EricTrommater 9 Mar 8
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Instead if the "British Invasion" ( England), its the New England Invasion

Livinlife Level 9 Mar 9, 2019

If I'm not mistaken, when I was a kid, our parents had to show documentation that the children were current on all vaccinations prior to be admitted into school


On average 0.6 people per year in the USA die of the measles.
On average 1 person per year in the USA die of a shark attack.
On average 20 people per year in the USA die from dog attacks.

It makes more sense for you to rant and rave telling people to get rid of their dogs.

Now let's look at regressive autism:

~10,000 people per year are diagnosed with regressive autism.
"If" vaccines are responsible for 1% of those cases, that's 100 kids per year who are lost to regressive autism.
"If" vaccines are responsible for 10% of those cases, that's 1000 kids per year who are lost to regressive autism.

So on one hand we lose 0.5 people per year to the measles and an extremely conservative estimate would be 100 to 1000 kids per year "lost" to regressive autism.

BD66 Level 8 Mar 9, 2019

Circular logic. The low death rate to measles is BECAUSE of vaccinations. Also ontological is your use if the word "if." You have a right to your opinion but not your own facts and in my opinion you are selling death.

No, it's not circular logic at all.

There are type 1 errors and type 2 errors.

Type 1 errors are people who are damaged in some way because they were not vaccinated.

Type 2 errors are people who are damaged in some way because they were vaccinated.

If 10% of cases of regressive autism are due to vaccines, the vaccines are responsible for ruining 1000 lives per year. That's more than the number of lives lost per year to the measles (450) before the introduction of vaccines.

There is some happy medium that takes into account type 1 error and type 2 errors and minimizes the sum.

The position of the CDC and what they are having medical professionals convey "Type 2 errors are zero" That's simple-minded and dishonest.




Darwin effect, 1 generation removed.

glennlab Level 10 Mar 9, 2019
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