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It all comes from the tap

Boxdoc 7 Mar 16
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Marketing Dept. had a field day with this one.


Agree is like you want to raise your IQ and you buying a smart phone

Dr650mike Level 6 Mar 16, 2019

It means you're a fucking idiot.
Same with paying $5 for a cup of coffee.
Some people have more money than sense.

KKGator Level 9 Mar 16, 2019

You are absolutely right about the money thing

>Same with paying $5 for a cup of coffee.

Not the same. The $5 cup of coffee has more ingredients than the bottled water. Now for the longer story.

With the $5 coffee it's been doctored six ways. It may have whipped cream, sugar, some type of syrup, extra milk froth and it's the expensive "fair trade" coffee beans, perhaps direct from war torn Ethiopia.

On the far extreme, Petunia wants home brew Maxwell House. Maxwell House is blend of beans from whatever country. Her black coffee cost for about a nickle for her pint size coffee mug. Her mug comes from Clemson University. It's a big one. On cold nights she wants decaf, a half ounce of Jamison Irish whiskey, whipped cream and sugar (Irish coffee) in an eight ounce mug. At home $1.25. At the bar, $8.

I drink espresso in the morning. Since it's home brew, it's a whopping ten cents for an eight ounce mug. At the coffee bar, it's $1.50 an ounce. If I ordered eight ounces it'd be $12 mug (before sales taxes).

With bottled water it's city water (tap municipal) that has been filtered through an activated charcoal filter. My filter is good for 200 gallons before the manufacture says it OUGHT to be replaced. It runs out to less than a penny a pint. This means the same bottled water in a jug is a far larger rip off than using a home filter.

@WonderWartHog99 Yeah. Still the same.
More money than sense.


...indeed...let's call it


please, chime in!

Robecology Level 9 Mar 16, 2019


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