It’s so hard to find quality tee shirts @EricTrommater
Like this one @Christiep77
That reminds me...if your shirt is missing I don’t know anything about it...
@Christiep77 only if I can have your Monty Python "What have the Romans ever done for us
," shirt.
@EricTrommater My People’s front of Judeah shirt?
@Christiep77 yes
@Christiep77 that's the one!
@EricTrommater hmmmm. I don’t know. Doesn’t seem like a fair trade. This is a really awesome shirt.::
@Christiep77 too small for me anyway.
@EricTrommater any others you care to make offers on?
@Christiep77 KyIo Ren, but you have to throw in the coffee cup too.
@EricTrommater in exchange for?
@Christiep77 my eternal soul....and cookies!
@Christiep77 oh and a slimming black t-shirt!....slightly worn and a way too big for you.
@EricTrommater I thought I was getting my own tee shirt so we could be twinsies??
@Christiep77 well then just my soul and the cookies.
Holy Crap!
Not that I would ever wear that shirt, but it's really well done!!
It’s always good to give back you know.
@Christiep77 charity starts at home.
But black is......
@Christiep77 slimming. IKR!?
@Christiep77 cuz I know you love Hellmans...
There seems to be some a theme to some of your tee shirt suggestions.....
@Christiep77 I deny everything and demand proof
You promised you wouldn’t tell...
@Christiep77 they would have found you on Google eventually lol.
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