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Do you go to church?

Lutherzme 8 May 14
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VIKingsCFH Level 7 May 14, 2019

Two fairy tales in one!

Robecology Level 9 May 14, 2019

Honesty is Always the the best policy.

Sez you.

@WonderWartHog99 Sez me, too. 🙂

@BestWithoutGods That makes two people who would respond "The dress doesn't make your ass look fat, Porky. You could sell advertising on it."

@WonderWartHog99 Having a bad day, are we?

@SiouxcitySue Truth is not always the best policy, therefore I become annoyed with those who insist otherwise.

@WonderWartHog99 I can see your point WondertWartHog99. In wartime, when luring the enemy into a trap, we don't tell them they'll all be taken prisoner. How about a compromise: "Truth is almost always the best policy?"

@BestWithoutGods Want to have a three day debate with four philosophy majors? Ask them to define "truth."

The Invention of Lying is a movie that best defines why being truthful all the time is a bad idea. It takes place in a society where lying is unknown. My favorite scene is where a beautiful looking woman tells her date she's already masturbated because she has no interest in him and wouldn't be anywhere near him if he wasn't paying for an expensive meal.

Ever went out on dates where the arm candy clearly wasn't interest in you but did want to see the movie as long as you were paying for it? Did you want to know the truth?

@WonderWartHog99 Good point. 🙂

@WonderWartHog99 Neither is it true that lying is always the best policy. Look at the current Fake President of the United States, for example. Ugh. Pardon me a moment while I barf....

... Okay, I'm back, swishing mouthwash. There is a happy medium between telling the truth and lying. It depends on the situation. Contrary to many religionists, ethics are situational and conditional.

@BestWithoutGods I meant in sexual situations. Good grief, you guys are like a pack of sharks.

@SiouxcitySue Ah, yes. In sexual situations, honesty is always the best policy. 🙂

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