I doodle. Is it a meme?? I don't know, but i have had zero sleep and am suffering a headache that would floor an elephant. I have no idea if elephants even get headaches or what their pain tolerance might be, but you get the idea...
Note. Did not take my sleep "meds" lastnight, so i have only myself to blame. Ugg!
Nice job of scribblin' in spite of the headache.
It was a bit of a therapeutic doodle rant.
Focusing helps distract me a bit.
I believe Dracula did say that, at least occasionally, but all day was a whole 'nother thing.
Ha ha. Nice!!
I will try to be more specific in future re. monsters vs. humans. LOL.
I doodle when I am listening to things like lectures in between note taking.
Casual observers usually think otherwise but it actually helps me stay focused on what is being said.
If I am actually looking at the speaker I am probably swirling somewhere around Andromeda.
I hear ya. Doodles help me in a lot of ways; concentrate, calm down, work through certain emotions... unfortunately not sleep. Ha ha.
Some folks see it as silly or a east of time. But it think we all have our own techniques for dealing with things, and doodles are completely valid!.
Doodle On!
@scurry I see it as distracting that side of m brain so I can learn something.
at least you accomplished the doodle
Positive thinking. I like that.
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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