8 13

Ok - I was informed that since I'm now level 8, (Thank you very much!) I have to post Dick Pics....
This is for all our awesome Mods!! @ericTrommater @mistymoon77 @OpposingOpposum @phcbillcee @michelleGar1 @CaroleKay @Christiep77 @glennlab @altschmerz
Behold: Dick Pics!!!
Can you name 'em all??

scurry 9 June 4
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Looks like my post got deleted for some reason.. congrats to you.. and I do like some of your dic pix here.. theres a few that are a bit scrappy and worthless.. keep the humor cumming again and again.. gotta love it

Thanks very much. LOL.
I'll try to make you proud. 😉



That's hilarious!!!


Gee I must be way ahead of you because I posted my first dick pic here at level 5...

Ha ha ha... You've got some pretty good ones there. Lol
Ya. I may have posted before too. LOL But this was a special request to sent to the mods in honour of the level change. LOL.
Any reason is a good reason I suppose. Lol

@scurry I have some that are even better...

@scurry Damn it takes a long time to sort through all these...

Yikes. Lol

@scurry I can't find the one of Dick Cheney yet with his dickhead...

@scurry Oh my bad it was in the wrong folder...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz ROFLMAO That's soooo funny!! Whatta DICKHEAD! 🤣


LOL. They told me I'd get a dick. I was so disappointed 😟

freeofgod Level 8 June 4, 2019

I'm sorry. Would you like me to send you one?? 🙂


I just got level 8...i pick number 1, thanks!


And I'd like the dick sitting right next to yours, the one that looks like a Dawkins.

here's a dickkead for you

@glennlab Looks like a butthead if you ask me....

5 are very funny...glad to read your posts...onward to 9...!

thinktwice Level 8 June 4, 2019

Thanks very much 🙂 Onward to 9!


I recognize all but the two that are wearing glasses.

Richard Dreyfuss - Actor(Jaws)
and Richard Speight Jr. - Actor

I can see Dreyfuss, but I've never heard of, or seen Speight. Thanks for the help.

@dartagnan6666 Speight was for me. He's in a show I watch. I know he's no where near as well known as the others, but I had to include him. 😉

OK, we'll let it go this time, but you're treading on shallow ground. Hahaha

@dartagnan6666 Can't make thing too easy. 😉


That's a lot of Dick.

glennlab Level 10 June 4, 2019
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