11 12

Looks like something is getting strangled.

mistymoon77 9 June 14
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Uh .. Just say no!

Livinlife Level 9 June 15, 2019

That’s more than a camel toe that’s a whole goddamn camel.

Bikes4Fish Level 7 June 15, 2019



Not in my wardrobe! 😮

Good! You are too nice looking to let a bad wardrobe ruin the look!


"In" in deep within his crack?

Robecology Level 9 June 14, 2019

Look it's Steve Urkels half cousin from Canada.

freedom41 Level 9 June 14, 2019

Yuck 😝major vise on balls hurts , head neck optional

bobwjr Level 10 June 14, 2019

High waisted jeans are the rage with the elderly guys. That's because as a person ages, their spine compacts. Without paying extra to have the pants legs shortened, they wear their jeans above the belly button.

It's hard to find a 42/29 size pair of blue jeans.

kinda works like a girdle as well to hold in the bellies....just not a good look...perhaps in my retirement I will offer my sewing skills to hem up

@thinktwice kinda works like a girdle as well to hold in the bellies....

Doesn't work and looks amazingly stupid to have a belt under the arm pits.

Petunia's dad used to give her his pants so she'd hem them. Petunia would stick her finger so often it might be months before Roy got his pants back. Avoidance therapy strikes! Therefore, I bought her a sewing machine and she stuck her finger with the needle with the sewing machine instead.

The sewing machine has been collecting dust, while I try to find a tailor or a seamstress for my own pants.


That looks like a huge man! He has nice thighs though... The pants gotta go lol


Moose knuckles....ick

thinktwice Level 8 June 14, 2019

Moose knuckles?! Wth is that? Lmao

@Cutiebeauty camel toe for men...



Yeah, his dick. LOL

Kynlei Level 8 June 14, 2019
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