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Perhaps it should be in Politics

MsDemeanour 8 June 17
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There is money in war... that's why the orange goon wants it so bad.. its all about money and power with him. Nothing more.

Not to mention it's a useful distraction


Bullshit warhawks just looking for a reason to start a war as a distraction from voting trump out

bobwjr Level 10 June 17, 2019

Trump wants war so he can remain president past the next election...


We jumped in to the Vietnam war on the fudged and forged "Gulf of Tonkin" incident.


We started the Iraq war with the fudged and forged "Weapons of Mass destruction" incident.


If Bolton and Pompeo get their way with Trump - we're likely to attack Iran and "fire-up" the warriors in Trumplandia.

A "war" would make us look heroic as we march in to Islamabad (Iran's capital) and "liberate" them...but many Iranians don't want a war....

While US saber-rattling can be dismissed as a political maneuver by the President to feed his ego and build support in his base, Iran’s actions and reactions must be seen in a different light.

The Iranian government is based on an unbending and violent ideology. Since its founding, Iran has banked on its military to impose its will on its citizens as well as export the Islamic revolution.

Iran's citizens, by contrast; want peace, and want to live "in the style of the West".

Let's not get carried away with "liberation"....we could end up starting a nuclear tit-for-tat launch....


Robecology Level 9 June 17, 2019

Trump and his war hawk cronies ( bolton etc.) want war, Iran's only pushing back. They didn't react the way trump wanted them to when he pulled out of the treaty. Trump is trying to start a war so when we win he can brag about it as commander in chief.

EricJones Level 8 June 17, 2019

I'm scratching my head, trying to think of any Middle East war we won.


Plus the fact that they put their sand over our oil!

Haemish1 Level 8 June 17, 2019

yes it's very rude!

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