Another day, another glass of Metamucil.
It's important to inspect it, too! If it floats, you're eating too much fat! Reminds me of what Ron White said, "Did you ever take a crap so big your pants fit better?"
Time to get one of those German toilets.
@brentan I don't recommend that! Just take a quick peek before ya wipe! Lol
@brentan Never having been to Germany, I had to look up what a German toilet is.
"The simple answer is: No. This is what could be called an "urban legend", based on cultural misunderstandings, and their mass distribution through the internet.
"The more detailed answer is: German toilets used to have a design, where the feces first fell onto a "plate"-type of element, from where they were then later flushed down the tube. This type of design was (/is) called "Flachspüler" (literally „shallow-flusher“, but the technical English term is "shelf style" ).
Source: []
@brentan Late model?
@WonderWartHog99 Looks unused.I had a choice of another picture with a sausage on the plate instead of a turd but I thought this one was nicer.
@brentan Looks unused.
Looks clean. As long as a person cleans their toilet there isn't anyway to tell how old it is.
@WonderWartHog99 I guess not.
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