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Shit happens. Especially after 27 beers,

Tomfoolery33 9 June 29
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Drink a decent beer and after half a dozen you will be under the table comotose and no one, apart from yourself, will have to suffer. 👋👋👋👋👋🤯

FrayedBear Level 9 June 30, 2019

Depends on the alcohol content and the length of time you drink them over.

@tnorman1236 true

@tnorman1236 One need to also factor in drug tolerance. My ex-biz partner (may the parole board be turning him down now) had to chug a case of beer before he noticed a minor buzz.

He switched to liquor.

His nightmare was waking up in a near beer country.

@WonderWartHog99 Please explain - what's a "near beer country"?

@FrayedBear In the states, each county determines if they allow sales of alcohol. A "near beer" is a non-alcohol beer or one that is .5% alcohol or less. If you're in a dry county (no alcohol sales) near beer is as close as you'll get to an alcoholic beverage. No hope of catching a buzz off of a near beer.

Most beers alcohol content range from 4.5% to 11 percent. Most of the cheap stuff is 4.5% alcohol. Real beer is sold in wet counties (alcohol sales permitted). The wet counties outnumber the dry ones. You won't know if you are in a dry county until you want a drink. After that the little prissy shits will try to sell you a near beer.

In each state has a series of smaller government units called counties, except for Louisiana where they're called parishes just to be weird. When visiting Louisiana, be sure to order the Voodoo beer. At one point the state tried to outlaw Voodoo beer, claiming you couldn't name alcoholic beverages after a religion. Christian Brothers successfully filed a law suit against the state to sell their wine in Louisiana. Thanks to Christian Brothers you can have a Voodoo beer.

We'un's crazy we is. Louisiana doubly so.

@WonderWartHog99 With a big grin on my face I thank you for that wonderfully humerous exposé 😁.
Unless subjected to rendition it is very unlikely that I will ever visit your scenically fascinating country. As for 11% beer I do not recall encountering any here - the tax on alcohol being so exhorbitant that no one will probably pay the amount needed for a can.
In the Northern Territory, sub tropical monsoonal climate, a local beer is served in a bottle known as a Darwin Stubby. It holds two litres but is less than 5% proof. 2 litres however is 7.7 standard (whatever they may be) drinks.

@FrayedBear While I was in your country I was told for the love of God, don't turn your empty beer glass upside down. Here it means "I don't want a refill. Gimme the bill."

@WonderWartHog99 You must have stayed at some posh places. Normally if you don't pay for tbe drink presented you don't get to drink it - you just eat concrete and these days it seems that the favoured method is to spear your head into the concrete.

@FrayedBear > Normally if you don't pay for tbe drink presented you don't get to drink it -

While I was there, once I got the drink I had to pay for it. Here in the states it's also common to pay for it when you get it and it's also common to run a tab. One place in Pensacola the tab was sent to me at the end of the month.

Here in Seneca, South Carolina, my favorite craft beer bar (Brews on the Alley) has a "let's hold your credit card and we'll run a tab."

I think I went to about eight different watering while I was in your country. One bar tender said he never heard of anyone ordering a shot of tequila, a slice of lime and a shaker of salt.

@WonderWartHog99 how long ago was that remark made and where?

@FrayedBear Old town Sydney during the bronze age or are you referring to Brews on the Alley?

Have you ever ordered a shot of tequila, lime and salt in your country? Perhaps the entire country has become aware of drinking tequila since then.

@WonderWartHog99 Funny that you should mention tequila. I have been aware of the salt&lemon habit for more than 50 years but until this year had never tasted tequila. Seeing an imported bottle of tequila last January in my local Aldi, amongst the "this week specials" aka desperate dumping, I decide to try it before I die. It sat for four months chilling in the fridge before I opened it. Several shots later I still couldn't get over the feeling that I was drinking very poor quality moonshine whisky. Next morning my mouth was like the bottom of a dirty birdcage and I could even smell my own breath - a state more disgusting than smelling my own farts!
So if you know of any other uses for tequilla please share.
Old Sydney town on the Central Coast? I knew quite a number of the singing entertainers. I think that the Japanese eventually bought it as Australians do not know what a good theme park & tourism is worth or about. 👋👋👋👋👋

@FrayedBear It's pronounced "To Kill 'ya" for a reason.

If you're feeling artistic and want loosen your wallet buying triple sec or Cointreu, make a tequila sun rise. It's what I serve my arm candy. Next time you're in a bar, tell 'em to shake the dust off the bar manual and fix you one instead. Tell the bar maid not to spare the garnish. It's essential.

See the arm candy make one:

According to Mexican legend, a bar tender had a daughter who couldn't stand tequila. There he was with gallons of cheap tequila. He discovered a way to make a cocktail with tequila that she loved. He named it after her, hence the legendary Margarita of Jimmy Buffet fame.

For Jimmy, see:

Petunia prefers a frozen margarita; I prefer the classic. The classic doesn't burn up the blender. Make 'em hate your guts at your favorite watering hole, order the frozen version. Stress to bartender they must rim the glass with salt. It's essential.

See a middle aged woman make either one:

To make it out the door, don't order two pitchers of margaritas.


It’s not me - it’s the beer singing!

Haemish1 Level 8 June 29, 2019

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