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If only....

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 July 17
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Way too many people on this site have a hatred of orange people. It's disgusting.

BD66 Level 8 July 17, 2019

Remember; there's love, hate and indifference.

Hated people have earned their hate by being repeatedly deceitful and dishonest....

so I wouldn't say it's "too many"...

and if you go on FB and search some pro-Trump sites....'ll see "too many" who are blind to his dishonesty.

We agnostics -

= being evidence-based -

are definitely much more hateful of Trump than most.

I resent that you stereotype hatred of djt with hatred of a particular color. I haven't seem any other orange people, therefore I have no feelings about them one way or another. However, I don't hate djt because he's orange, I hate him for everything inside the orange.

@SiouxcitySue I am just poking fun at the way the people who didn’t like Obama’s policies were called racist

@BD66 I realized that at the time, however I was trying to get prejudiced people to ask the question of why they are prejudiced. Is it the color of skin or the color of character. You realize that trump is just frustrated that the squad of 4 don't like his policies, so he tells them to go home - knowing that it is a racial slur used by bullies to incite a reaction. I'm not sure if he expected the reaction he got. He obviously is racist.

@SiouxcitySue Prejudice is not the right term. Learning from experience is what is going on. The 20th century was a huge social science experiment where we saw many different forms of collectivism and central planning. Every implementation was a disaster. People who are aware of that and oppose the leftist loonies in Congress are not racist or prejudiced. They are aware of what happened in the past and don’t want to see it repeated here.


I hope that the moment he arrives, he is eaten by a pernicious knid.

KKGator Level 9 July 17, 2019

While short, Oompa Loompas were honest hardworking and gifted with big dicks . . every thing #FatNixon is not


I can see it now.

Europe welcomes the immigrants home.

brentan Level 8 July 17, 2019
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