This is the response from Candice Keller, an Ohio HR Republican who is running for State Senate, to the Dayton shootings that happened 17 miles north of her district.
I normally try to understand all people's opinions and where they are coming from, but fuck this bitch. There is no reasoning in this. This is not ok.
I can hardly believe all of the programed in knee jerk reactions here! Is everybody else here unable to see that all of these "shootings" are nothing but a psy-op?? There were multiple shooters in Vegas and in El Paso and Trump and the NRA had not one thing to do with them!!
Except for the insane idiots who are easily manipulated, no one believes the lies any longer! WHY won't they ever show any footage from the security cameras of the parking lot and entrance to the store WHEN THE ALLEGED GUN MAN CAME INTO IT?? Is that somehow classified information we're not allowed to see for some reason? If they have video of the shooting, why not the prelude to it? What would it show?
You really need to change that screen name... Have you ever stopped to consider there is a very good reason women don't want to be with you?...
Funny how the vast majority of those shooters not only are Christian but come from those "traditional families..." FYI she looks like a really low grade drag queen herself.... Yeah I told her that publicly on Twitter...
How do YOU know what kind of family these idiots came from? Did you ever know even just one of them?
@Logician And you will really HATE this study...
And you STILL think that it's the fault of not enough of or not the right kind of anti-gun laws that is to blame, not the shooters themselves?!?! How about that kid who laced the school lemonade at lunch time with horse laxative? What if he had used some cyanide or Arsenic instead? Would those deaths be any less significant than being caused by bullets?
Just what law(s) do you think will keep crazy people from killing someone? A law that says you're not supposed to kill others without a good reason? Oh yeah, that will work for sure! Do you actually have any idea at all about the subject you are trying to preach to us about? It doesn't look like it to me!
So, just what do you propose as a solution?? If it's get rid of the guns, fine, then let's start with disarming the IRS, FBI, SS, CIA, USFS, police, Sheriffs, etc because they cannot be trusted with guns either!! They may not go on shooting rampages, but just look at how many innocent people they have killed over the years and got away with it! Or do those deaths not count in your world?
OK, but what about by per capita? How about the near weekly shooting deaths in Shitcago?? Oh, those don't count either, right?
@Logician You really do believe the fake news batshit from Fox and Breitbart don't you?... This is why even in a county full of retarded, mouth breathing, inbred, Trumpanzees you still can't find a good paying job or a woman who will have sex with you...
Before you protest too much living in Rialto tells us all we need to know... The only reason property values are going up in that town is it is mostly Hispanic... Funtana next door still is bottomed out just like Slum Bernardino and Loma Linda...
@Logician As for your delusional batshit claims about Chicago....
The murder capital is New Orleans and the non-fatal shooting capital is St Louis...
@Logician According to the FBI violent crime was dropping like a lead weight until the Trump campaign and presidency caused a sharp increase in hate crimes and domestic terrorism...
I'm retired now, stupid! Why would I want a job? As to sex, or a lack of it, it's your fall back position that you insist on projecting onto me! And your other drivel shows just how small of an intellect you have. Go back to your video games and act out your fantasies there!
Gee whiz.
Where the fuck was she when the reich-wingers and tea partyers were hanging and burning Obama in effigy???
Where was she all the while 45 was telling lies about muslims dancing and celebrating on 9/11??
Fuck her.
Fuck her fat white ass with a fucking chainsaw.
Fuck her and the rest of the fucking republicans .
Yah Candice, you forgot the two relevant ones: white supremacist hate and political hacks who are paid off by the NRA.
I'm ashamed to be an American,
where the bullets fly so free.
And I won't forget all those who die
in every shooting spee.
But the Congress take their bribes
and refuse to save the day.
So the people keep on getting shot.
God fuck the NRA.
Another fat white republicunt. I hope she is hounded by every Liberal in her district and is shamed into resigning.
After looking at pictures of her, "fat" is not the word you want to use.
She's an ultra conservative Republican (like who would have guessed?) with a few political scandals in her closet. Therefore "shame" won't be the reason that would make her resign.
If another woman calls her a cunt, they won't have much impact on as a holier than thou.
Shame on Candice Keller!
Sounds like most of her irrational thinking is based on her belief in god! Yet another reason to separate church and state. Too bad he’ll doesn’t exist...for her.
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
Posted by bookofmoronsMy perfect holiday calendar
Posted by backtobasicsGive yourself credit.
Posted by backtobasicsFollow the money, it leads to the truth.
Posted by backtobasicsI don't care, do you? When they can start proving one of their tales is true, maybe, just maybe, I'll listen.
Posted by backtobasicsA little advice for our daughters and granddaughters both natural and adopted.
Posted by backtobasicsPeople swear there is no heaven, but pray there is no hell.
Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
Posted by backtobasicsNot really sure about the car light legend.
Posted by backtobasicsNot really sure about the car light legend.
Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.